Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??

Trailer monkey

Well-Known Member
Prices of stocks change based on new information, so as soon as obama was elected the markets “priced in” expected changes to policy.

Same as how the stock market dropped when news of covid hit, before a single store got closed down.

Ignoring the fact that everyones portfolios had just lost a third of their value is misleading at best.

Unless you were fortunate/brave enough to have money to invest near the bottom of the market and held it until Trump won the election, you didn’t see a dime of those gains. You just watched your portfolio take 5 years to make it back to where it was.

Whereas with Trump no matter when you got into the stock market your portfolio is at an all time high. Even the low of the covid scare was higher than Obamas high point.

Trump reversed a similar drop in less than 6 months. The lockdowns are still going in some of the biggest economies of the country too, Cali, NY, NJ, WA.

Once those end and stop dragging the economy down the economy is going to skyrocket.
The market run up is the result of hundreds of billion in printed money from the Fed, it will crash and when does it will crash hard


Inordinately Right
Over the past 12 years the US has had an increasing but manageable Debt/GDP ratio. It is now exploding and will be at a level with Greece (187%) in four years, no matter who is elected. We're screwed
No matter who is elected?
Gotta disagree.

Democrats literally believe money isn't real. I'm not kidding, it's called Modern Monetary Theory and it has become very popular among the socialists that now control the Democrat party.

They will appoint people to the federal reserve that believe that nonsense and destroy our country.

If you're really concerned about this the political choice is clear.


Well-Known Member
No matter who is elected?
Gotta disagree.

Democrats literally believe money isn't real. I'm not kidding, it's called Modern Monetary Theory and it has become very popular among the socialists that now control the Democrat party.

They will appoint people to the federal reserve that believe that nonsense and destroy our country.

If you're really concerned about this the political choice is clear.
Judy Shelton...

Trailer monkey

Well-Known Member
No matter who is elected?
Gotta disagree.

Democrats literally believe money isn't real. I'm not kidding, it's called Modern Monetary Theory and it has become very popular among the socialists that now control the Democrat party.

They will appoint people to the federal reserve that believe that nonsense and destroy our country.

If you're really concerned about this the political choice is clear.
Republicans believe the same thing, they just don't admit it. On their watch, Debt/GDP has increased 50% since 2017. Mnuchins' Treasury Dept is handing out hundreds of billions to corporations off the books. This country has no party of "fiscal responsibility" The Democrats are not, and why the hell would anyone believe the Republicans are, or ever were?


Well-Known Member
The market run up is the result of hundreds of billion in printed money from the Fed, it will crash and when does it will crash hard

The value of the dollar will crash, but as long as there are still goods and services the economy will be fine.

Modern monetary theory is true, that the money we have isn't real. But couple that with keynesianism and a welfare state and it leads to all sorts of problems.

The real "economy" or "value" is the goods and services we produce, and how accessible they are. If there isn't stuff, or you cant provide anything of value for the stuff, the economy is bad. If there is alot of stuff, and its easy to do something of value to trade for the stuff, the economy is good. Its pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
Republicans believe the same thing, they just don't admit it. On their watch, Debt/GDP has increased 50% since 2017. Mnuchins' Treasury Dept is handing out hundreds of billions to corporations off the books. This country has no party of "fiscal responsibility" The Democrats are not, and why the hell would anyone believe the Republicans are, or ever were?
If you believe that you should leverage as much debt as possible and invest it all into those companies.

The debt will get erased by the inflation, and the money you invested will skyrocket, paying off the now hilariously small debt.


Inordinately Right
Republicans believe the same thing, they just don't admit it. On their watch, Debt/GDP has increased 50% since 2017. Mnuchins' Treasury Dept is handing out hundreds of billions to corporations off the books. This country has no party of "fiscal responsibility" The Democrats are not, and why the hell would anyone believe the Republicans are, or ever were?
It is absolutely ridiculous to blame Republicans for the debt that resulted from the Chinese Virus.

Democrat mayors and governors across the country mandated a recession by shutting down businesses. Republicans' hands were tied.


Well-Known Member
It is absolutely ridiculous to blame Republicans for the debt that resulted from the Chinese Virus.

Democrat mayors and governors across the country mandated a recession by shutting down businesses. Republicans' hands were tied.
Why not? Republicans blame that black guy for the housing market tanking... Here's the thing buckaroo both parties shutdown their respective states and city's, both parties signed off on a massive spending bill.


Inordinately Right
Why not? Republicans blame that black guy for the housing market tanking...
I like how you don't even bother disagreeing with me, you just deflect to a totally different situation and throw in "that black guy", as if implying I'm racist somehow wins the argument. Lol. Pathetic.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
It is absolutely ridiculous to blame Republicans for the debt that resulted from the Chinese Virus.

Democrat mayors and governors across the country mandated a recession by shutting down businesses. Republicans' hands were tied.
So you saying that only democrats are on vacation? Republicans' hands-on vacation too in the worst crisis ever.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
I like how you don't even bother disagreeing with me, you just deflect to a totally different situation and throw in "that black guy", as if implying I'm racist somehow wins the argument. Lol. Pathetic.
Obama will be remembered as a man who attempted to be bipartisan and was blocked by republicans. Racist treatment?