Last ride I had was a beautiful I got to the far reaches of my rural route I informed my sup that we must go back to a facility with a facility ������(about 3 miles back) after that we got back on trace until the next call to nature when sup ask me to use a alternate method of relief (cup, bottle, or tree) I replied sure hold the cup and I'll try and steady my shaking hand and not miss....needless to say sup did not want to hold cup but instead volunteered to hold me and I could hold cup....grievance pending LOL. BC
I had an OJS awhile back with a female sup, it was just an annual safety ride and not a production ride so there wasnt any tension or confrontation going on.
I am accustomed to being able to pull over and irrigate a tree wherever and whenever I need to on the rural part of my route, and I didnt think about the fact that that wasnt really an option for her until after we were already a
long way out of town. I actually felt bad for her because at one point she was shifting around in her seat and doing the peepee dance whenever she got out of the truck. Its kind of an awkward thing to have to discuss with a female supervisor. I wound up breaking trace a couple of miles to a vineyard that I knew rented a porta potty during harvest season. It was a gross and nasty portapotty out in the middle of a field, but I'm sure she preferred it to a tree!