It was just past midnight, so it was officially the start of Sunday. I couldn't sleep and the dog wanted out! I can't go back to bed once I'm up. So thanks to Billy, I was both entertained and shocked-scared by one of his episodes.
He and his brother are scrawny, but wirey and the bravest heroes to many in Louisiana. he was at some lady's rental. She was tryng to move debris and kept hearing rattles,so she knew she had some snakes in this house and the rattle made her nervous that they were the poisonous kind.
Billy and his brother went room to room with those "snake sticks" and carefully lifted things like cardboard and mattresses to find many, many snakes in this house. They were all "viper-type" poisonous ones. A few copperheads and lots of rattlesnakes.
Apparently, there had been record rain in the area and there's a huge hole in this house where a dryer was vented outside by the previous tenant.
All the snakes entered there and the house was their dry and warm den!!
There were some grand daddy rattlers they boxed up. Armed with their sticks and some cardboard for shields, they rid the place and the hole was going to be sealed up. Billy has the hat in this picture and the blonde is his brother.