Tentative Agreement


Well-Known Member
Stop bitching about stuff that hasn't even been put on the table for us to see. I'm in a teamster run health plan BCBS and I don't pay a dime for anything. If I do have to pay something out of pocket the union gives me a $600 yearly allowance that they will reimburse me. I can go see any DR I want at anytime without referral.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Def a no vote. But There's clowns on here praising hall like he did a good job!!! Hopefully the majority of the voters know how to read and have common sense

Originally Posted by opie
So they will create 2,000 jobs. What about the numerous unfilled 22.3 jobs which UPS has been dragging its feet on?

Does anyone remember this promise? How quickly we forget..
UPS Strike: Package Deal | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 19, 1997 | PBS

UPS workers will return to work after a painful 15-day strike that affected mail delivery throughout the United States. The Teamsters Union won many of the bargaining points. 10,000 part-time jobs will become full-time positions and the union will maintain control of the pension funds.​
I keep it in mind also. Last 2 contracts almost 20k jobs promised. Ups doesn't honor the contract. Will never see those jobs filled. Toothless agreements

Jersey brown

Active Member
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

If my local 177 agrees to moving into central states teamster health plan they will never get reelected!


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

If my local 177 agrees to moving into central states teamster health plan they will never get reelected!
According to their latest update on their website, they are one of the four locals supplements still holding out.


Well-Known Member
Re: I guess there is no strike....

If there were any details it could be stickied, but, there are not in this thread. That I saw.....................
You miss the point. Not about details but the fact that very few on this forum choose to discuss the union issues that directly impact their future. I am aware of the disdain that most have for me here, but the endless discussions about UPS socks, sorting, quick feeder questions, new package car driver, etc. will never change the issues that all of you face. I hope the pending contract addresses some of these issues. Upstate is salivating at this moment...


Need LS7 powered PKG car
Kudos to the company for doing what they always do. They are smart. Looking years down the road when it comes to contract negotiations. Hoffa and hall just looking for what can I get my hands on right now. C'mon Hall, take a page from the companies book and learn how to negotiate a contract.


Nine Lives
Re: I guess there is no strike....

You miss the point. Not about details but the fact that very few on this forum choose to discuss the union issues that directly impact their future. I am aware of the disdain that most have for me here, but the endless discussions about UPS socks, sorting, quick feeder questions, new package car driver, etc. will never change the issues that all of you face. I hope the pending contract addresses some of these issues. Upstate is salivating at this moment...

I think most on here don't even know who you are much less have disdain for you.

If anyone has disdain for you, it is probably because you have such a man-crush on Upstate.


Well-Known Member
First rule of negotiations
Be willing to actually get up and walk away! It's one thing to say it, but to actually do it...Well thats speaks volumes!
Now that the negotiations seem to be over with. I would like to welcome all the new partcipants to the Central States Plan. Well, that is after the vote count was verified by carefully appointed observers and then officially certified by the IBT.

I did read that Teamster Members are upset that non affected Teamsters are going to be able to vote on other Teamsters' future. I do have sympathy for them and I believe that only affected members should only be able to vote on concsessions that concern themselves and only themselves, but this is not unpresidented. Remember last contract, all UPS Teamster members were given the opprotunity to vote as to weather UPS could take 44,000 Fulltime members out of Central States Pension Fund. So why are some complaining now? Just an observation that I felt needed to be shared.

Here is something think to about. Unions are exempt from the Affordable Heath Care Plan, unlike companies such as UPS, at least for a few years. The way the Company plan was set up and operated, would never be allowed under Obama care. Therefore, UPS found it considerably cheaper to pay the union supply the health care! That way, they wash their hands of that whole mess! As of just a few weeks ago, I inquired about how much UPS pays Central States for our coverage. My BA told me it worked out to be over $1200 a month per full time employee. So the question is, how much is being paid out on behalf of each member in the company plan? When that is known, a comparrison can be made.
I thought the main objective here was to maintain equality with all members, I just didn't think they wanted to lower the coverage of 140,000 teamsters and their families to our level in order to to do so!
The customer service, in my opion, is very poor in Central States right now. Just imagine what it is going to be like when over 140,000 members + their family members are enrolled. Can you say Cluster friend--k!
Can't wait for the rest of the details!


60 months and counting
Re: I guess there is no strike....

I think most on here don't even know who you are much less have disdain for you.

If anyone has disdain for you, it is probably because you have such a man-crush on Upstate.

damn hoak...let the guy rest in peace. Hes probably spinning around in the seat of his package car!


Livin the cardboard dream
For the part timers that want more, vote no. It really is that simple. If you want this contract voted down, campaign in your center and be positive. The negative "this contract sucks!" sounds more like whining than a reasonable response to an unlikable contract. Just sayin. I've been pt for 16 years. I've yet to find a pt job that pays me 36k a year and gives me benes. IF the new contract has worse benes for everyone, I'll vote no. If it's comparable, I'll vote yes. Don't go the way of Detroit and ask for more than your job is worth. For most of us the day is less than 4 hrs long. Not worth the complaining. I have 2 kids so the benes is a big issue for me and my friends that are pt with benes. The union benes over here are better than the company benes so you'll hear no complaints from the peanut gallery from me.


Well-Known Member
definitely voting no and doing what i can to spread the word. it will all be for nothing though since not enough care to vote.

no catch up raise for current p/ters is absolutely ridiculous. so some new kid can waltz on in get his 10/hr take the pickoff test and be making more than someone there almost a year


Well-Known Member
no catch up raise for current p/ters is absolutely ridiculous. so some new kid can waltz on in get his 10/hr take the pickoff test and be making more than someone there almost a year

There will probably be language in the new contract that mirrors what is in the current contract. It is the last paragraph in Article 22 Section 5 (a).

Obviously I don't know anything for sure but I would be surprised if this paragraph wasn't updated appropriately.


Well-Known Member
UPS is one of the few remaining private companies that has yet to gut retiree health benefits. Given the reality of soaring health care costs coupled with a significant number of retirements coming up, the dilution was inevitable. You're not happy about it, nor would I be either. But retirees don't have a voice, and many current & prospective drivers will be eligible (or close to it) for Medicare when they retire. As I see it, the current retirees sold out the PTers long ago, so retiree benefits are the least of my concern.

1) Part timers have the numbers to swing any contract vote. It is simply a myth that they were sold out by the drivers.

2) Before I retired, I did an infomal poll on BC regarding the age at which people retired. The results, though not scientific, were that the majority were under the age of 60 when they retired. That leaves five years before Medicare eligibility.

3) True, retirees don't have a voice; but by your own recognition, there is a significant number of retirements coming up. If the retiree healthcare benefits are degraded, many may be forced to stick around. Your situation is the least of my concern, but if you are among the many waiting for a driving job, your wait may just get longer...