Tentative Agreement


Re: TDU Leaks Initial Contract Details

Looks like it's shaping up to be a crap contract. How come these type of highlights won't come from our union, which we pay dues to? All that TDU bashing is just plain stupid and non productive. Perhaps we ought to bash our leadership for conceding anything during record profit years.

I will be voting NO and then when the rest of the votes push it to be ratified I will be exercising my "right to work" and withdraw from the union. I'll probably need that extra money every week to cover my new health care expenses.

End of Line

Later "brothers".

QUIT! That's the spirit!

I expect nothing less from a low-rent chicken**** scab at heart.

Rank-and-file members have every right to criticize their leadership, especially if they feel they're getting a sub-par contract. But threatening to take advantage of RTW and walk away from your local is like a toddler taking his ball and going home.

4 year progression is terrible and the delayed pension increases will keep some of our 70+ year old feeder drivers propped up in the cabs of their trucks until at least 2017.. still, we haven't seen the tentative agreement in its entirety, yet.


Huge Member
Re: TDU Leaks Initial Contract Details

true, but the surepost has been abused...not sure if thats a shippers issue or ups, a 20 pound box isnt surepost....If I have a package to one house and the house next door is getting a surepost package we should be delivering it. Even if we could get 10% of those package back it still would be beneficial for us. The management says that the hub still has to process those packages...well they dont staff the operations that well anyway so not sure why that is always brought up..probably to shut us up..lol

Too bad we can't put Surepost labels on Pottery Barn !!
That'll pack up those pesky USPS jeeps !!

I gotta few Pottery Barn princesses on my route that are starting to piss me off !!! lol :chaseups:


Well-Known Member
Re: TDU Leaks Initial Contract Details

Too bad we can't put Surepost labels on Pottery Barn !!
That'll pack up those pesky USPS jeeps !!

I gotta few Pottery Barn princesses on my route that are starting to piss me off !!! lol :chaseups:

yeah, the world doesnt need any more mail folks going postal...might not be such a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Re: 4 years ??? really!!!' consession slate!!!

I'm with you there, just when i will most likely be within grabbing distance of a ft spot within a year hopefully this comes along to screw us worse than before.
Re: 4 years ??? really!!!' consession slate!!!

We should have gotten a $1 a year or more sick days if we are friend the new comers. Nice one Kenny, selling us out for scraps.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We should have gotten a $1 a year or more sick days if we are friend the new comers. Nice one Kenny, selling us out for scraps.

This is really pretty simple.


We can send a message that we won't accept a crap deal like this.

As far as I'm concerned we don't have a contract until its voted in. Don't give up guys and gals. There's still plenty of time for us to send a message that we expect better.


Well-Known Member
4 years ??? really!!!' consession slate!!!

Concessions like that have been happening since I have been here. It was a 30 day wait for insurance, and top rate was 2 years. These types of concessions have always been happening, and will continue.


Re: 4 years ??? really!!!' consession slate!!!

didn't hall negotiate the 97 contract?

2008 contract concessions were made to organize Overnite.........right?

i wonder what the "under the table " deal was this time.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I have an opportunity to take a PT air driver job. I'm already at top rate for air driving from driving on Saturdays. I was thinking about taking it for a couple months or a year, and then go FT. I would be RED-CIRCLED at my air driving rate, correct? Otherwise it would be better I try to go FT before August to avoid the potential 4 year progression. But from what I understand when you go PT to FT, your rate cannot go down.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: TDU Leaks Initial Contract Details

U know the union guys can say whatever they want but there's no reason for teamsters not to have a PDF of the entire contract on their site right now.
I totally agree, and it peeves me. Put up the tentative, see if we can sing the same praises, that every news source is singing.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I have an opportunity to take a PT air driver job. I'm already at top rate for air driving from driving on Saturdays. I was thinking about taking it for a couple months or a year, and then go FT. I would be RED-CIRCLED at my air driving rate, correct? Otherwise it would be better I try to go FT before August to avoid the potential 4 year progression. But from what I understand when you go PT to FT, your rate cannot go down.

Ok as long as I am not misunderstanding you air and ground pay scales are totally seperate if you can go ft ground i would do so pre contract you will start your progression at the 3 year time frame as opposed to the 4 year like i will be in. If you go from pt making $20 for instance and go to ft driving you will start at the $15hr unless you are in an area that has cover drivers then your progression(at least in my center) starts when you start cover driving and hit top rate from the $22hr cover rate but air and ground rates do not transpose if im wrong someone set me straight.


Well-Known Member
First off, I found this out on day 1. Second, tdu had their initial release of $3.90 in raises but calculated it at 70 70 70 90 and 100. That's $4 not 3.90. There is so much left out of their hate article. They are just commie journalist. Notice they don't report just facts but initiate an opinion? Anyone can google search and find that info. I was told way more today by my eboard. You will be getting info mailed to you as some people don't do the research via Internet.
Right to work? I hope your giving back all those negotiated raises you got from past contracts by our union. Turds like you are the reason I scab bash!

gotta love the dirty south!
North east princess!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Re: 4 years ??? really!!!' consession slate!!!

didn't hall negotiate the 97 contract?

2008 contract concessions were made to organize Overnite.........right?

i wonder what the "under the table " deal was this time.

thats what I'm trying to figure out right now. Everyone says we give these concessions so we can get stuff in other places.

From what I've read so far. All we have done is give. Obviously all language is not out yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok as long as I am not misunderstanding you air and ground pay scales are totally seperate if you can go ft ground i would do so pre contract you will start your progression at the 3 year time frame as opposed to the 4 year like i will be in. If you go from pt making $20 for instance and go to ft driving you will start at the $15hr unless you are in an area that has cover drivers then your progression(at least in my center) starts when you start cover driving and hit top rate from the $22hr cover rate but air and ground rates do not transpose if im wrong someone set me straight.
I read in the contract if I am understanding it correctly, that if as a PTer, if your rate is higher than the starting FT rate. You keep your rate. Can anyone confirm? I figure if I take the PT air position. I can then start at that rate when going FT. That way I can avoid starting at $16.10 and instead start at $25+ and avoid the three year wait.


Well-Known Member
I read in the contract if I am understanding it correctly, that if as a PTer, if your rate is higher than the starting FT rate. You keep your rate. Can anyone confirm? I figure if I take the PT air position. I can then start at that rate when going FT. That way I can avoid starting at $16.10 and instead start at $25+ and avoid the three year wait.[/QU

Like I said air and ground pay is seperate we had a guy in our center that has been there 15yrs and just went into ft to throw money in his retirement and he went to the starting ground rate which is like $16.10 or something like that, but think you will be guaranteed your 8 everyday ft so itll average out depending on how many hours you put in a week pt I average about 24hrs a week so the $16hr starting ft is better and its only 3 years to the top rate which will be a little over $35 in 3 years so thats worth waiting for in my opinion