Tentative agreement

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Isn't it funny how most of the full-timers blame the part-timers' lack of representation on the fact that they don't vote, and then when the company makes a proposal that at least a decent amount of part-timers would jump on (22.4 jobs) and are offered a bonus (assuming that'll actually happen) it's called "selling out" when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.


File! File! File!
Still a lot left to see but I guess part timers will finally get 15 per hour. " In 2022" and a 5 year contract? Really? It better be excellent if we are going to agree to 5 years!


Well-Known Member
Funny someone who sells out their union brothers and sisters by passing through crappy contracts for the vast majority of the workforce is accusing ME of being a scab. Little do you know that as soon as I found out about the tentative agreement that I've already sent out a text telling everyone in my hub to spread the word to vote "no" because of the generally crappy language (especially the crappy language in regard to no catch-up raises for part-timers). You better believe I'll be on the strike line if there is one. So try again with those attacks, once you have more information on who I am, fool.


Well-Known Member
Not all FTers, I have never voted Yes on any contract. The union knows PTers don't vote so the union has sold PTers down river till this contract to get the votes. Only to turn around and do the exact same thing too FTers.
I'm glad you're one of the ones who stands up for all your brothers and sisters, not just the full-time ones. That's why I said most full-timers, because I know there are some that exist like you. Thanks for the brotherhood.


Well-Known Member
Garbage language! Garbage contract. Wrong people negotiating this one. Hoffa will be the death to all unions!! UPS made 6 Billion. And their negotiating like we took a bailout FROM THE GOVT! get a clue! We’re all tired. And unlike some of you, I like to work. We’re killing ourselves for people who take a :censored2: on us daily.


Well-Known Member
All this "millenial this, millenial that" crap is generalization at it's finest, and it's stupid. Sure, it applies to a lot of people, but there are plenty of "millenials" at my hub that either have another part-time or full-time job, and tons more "milennials" that are dying for a full-time driving position, so don't paint everyone with that brush. It makes you sound ignorant. All the new hire classes I speak to about joining the union signed up with UPS for a full-time job and nothing else, very few are just in it for the part-time benefits.


Well-Known Member
Will Vote No. But can anyone provide a better explanation of Each paragraph and why it deserves a No vote.

Also 22.4 should pay same top rate as normal FT-Driving. Thanks!

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
All this "millenial this, millenial that" crap is generalization at it's finest, and it's stupid. Sure, it applies to a lot of people, but there are plenty of "millenials" at my hub that either have another part-time or full-time job, and tons more "milennials" that are dying for a full-time driving position, so don't paint everyone with that brush. It makes you sound ignorant. All the new hire classes I speak to about joining the union signed up with UPS for a full-time job and nothing else, very few are just in it for the part-time benefits.
We exhaust our list in 2 months. Wanna know why?


Well-Known Member
So for PT someone who starts Aug 2 will make the same as someone who starts 4 years from now? Since it's just the start rate that goes up each year is how I read it, no seniority raises for them. I'm gunna be sick