Terminated in 2013 was totally screwed by management

Over 70

Well-Known Member
I'm making his corned beef recipe as we speak, put it in the fridge to cure this afternoon. I'm going to take it all the way to pastrami in 2 weeks. Made it two other times and it's a keeper...

Great site, like you said you take what you take from it. No one has all the answers.


Staff member
I'm making his corned beef recipe as we speak, put it in the fridge to cure this afternoon. I'm going to take it all the way to pastrami in 2 weeks. Made it two other times and it's a keeper...

Great site, like you said you take what you take from it. No one has all the answers.

I really want to do that.

And, Canadian bacon.


Nine Lives
I was hired PT in 1994 and started driving in June 2000 and terminated 2013. I had great PT years at ups and probly 10 good ft years. The last 3 years were complete hell and wrong doing by management. I had great relationships with my on road sups we use to go to the bar after work all that :censored2: and were great friends til they retired. The 10 years of driving my sups would help me out taking off stops or during peak send drivers to help me get done at a decent time.They would call me in the a.m. ask me if I wanted the day off. Then they all retired and the part timers that were lazy and couldn't be a driver all went into management and stayed at our center all women on road sups. They all hated I was friends with my sups before them so they treated me like :censored2: after they were gone. I had a country route 150 miles a day on my route they would send me with all my air never take off stops so I could get in before 7pm I always had to make a meet to drop off my p/u pieces. And the routes that back up to mine they would get in everyday by 4:30pm and they had less seniority than me. They would cut the route next to me every Friday and so I would have 2 routes to deliver a nice 13 hr day and they wanted me done by 7pm I would say I can't get that done they would say why not?? They would follow me everyday all kinds of bs anyone have similar story's? There's alot more bs too.
Never happened to me or anyone I know.

North ohio

New Member
You all know what happened just like another driver that was terminated for no good reason but he is dead now. And no lawsuit I believe in karma and it will get that faIt bastard and his oral office of the women. I couldn't be happier I collect full SSI I live in Florida I look at the ocean and white sand everyday here on 30A. Sorry I just always kept quiet about all that BS. A guys parents die a year apart goes thru a divorce from hell lives in a :censored2: hole town full of negativity. You don't fire him you help him so it doesn't get worse. It's OK just small town bs. And I was never a whiner and didn't get favors from the oral office upstairs you hilljacks. And I have worked for everything in my life I have had no free rides like me or don't I could careless. You don't have to tell me how much you hate ups just show up at 9:06 that tells it all. Thank you for listening J..


Well-Known Member
You all know what happened just like another driver that was terminated for no good reason but he is dead now. And no lawsuit I believe in karma and it will get that faIt bastard and his oral office of the women. I couldn't be happier I collect full SSI I live in Florida I look at the ocean and white sand everyday here on 30A. Sorry I just always kept quiet about all that BS. A guys parents die a year apart goes thru a divorce from hell lives in a :censored2: hole town full of negativity. You don't fire him you help him so it doesn't get worse. It's OK just small town bs. And I was never a whiner and didn't get favors from the oral office upstairs you hilljacks. And I have worked for everything in my life I have had no free rides like me or don't I could careless. You don't have to tell me how much you hate ups just show up at 9:06 that tells it all. Thank you for listening J..
