Terminated in 2013 was totally screwed by management


Package Center Manager
You all know what happened just like another driver that was terminated for no good reason but he is dead now. And no lawsuit I believe in karma and it will get that faIt bastard and his oral office of the women. I couldn't be happier I collect full SSI I live in Florida I look at the ocean and white sand everyday here on 30A. Sorry I just always kept quiet about all that BS. A guys parents die a year apart goes thru a divorce from hell lives in a :censored2: hole town full of negativity. You don't fire him you help him so it doesn't get worse. It's OK just small town bs. And I was never a whiner and didn't get favors from the oral office upstairs you hilljacks. And I have worked for everything in my life I have had no free rides like me or don't I could careless. You don't have to tell me how much you hate ups just show up at 9:06 that tells it all. Thank you for listening J..

So where on Ft Walton Beach do you really live...no trailer parks on the beach.