Well-Known Member
Look at your DD214 tell me what it says.
Mine tells me I can get a free meal at my choice of restaurants on Veteran's Day.
Look at your DD214 tell me what it says.
And instructions that you should be seated at a table by yourself in the back corner?Mine tells me I can get a free meal at my choice of restaurants on Veteran's Day.
And instructions that you should be seated at a table by yourself in the back corner?
Never too early and never too late.Rather early in the morning to be a, isn't it?
How can god let this happen in his house of worship. If he saw it coming why did he not strike this guy down with a bolt of lightning beforehand?At the end of today, 26 (as I last saw) fellow Americans were gunned down by evil incarnate. I pray existing family members are covered by God's grace and love and He heals the enormous loss in their lives and heals their pain. I pray He heals the emptiness, loss and heartache the family and friends of the deceased are experiencing now and in the future.
Very sad events today
The reason guns laws are ineffectual in Chicago is because you have to only travel as far as the city limits to get around them. You don't even need to leave the state, you can take the bus to the near suburbs and buy whatever guns you want.Well I was being a little sarcastic. Obviously the gun laws in Illinois aren't working.
Your chance of having an impact on overthrowing the government is 0% it's not happening. The US government does not fear it's well armed populace. Get rid of the guns and you get rid of the need for guns.Nothing fanciful about my notions. Trusting others to protect you is as fanciful as it gets. Benevolent governments staying that way is not borne out through history. Many people who have died from gun violence did so expecting that the police would protect them. When seconds count the police are minutes away.
Same reason Superman didn't stop it beforehand.How can god let this happen in his house of worship. If he saw it coming why did he not strike this guy down with a bolt of lightning beforehand?
Mine tells me I can get a free meal at my choice of restaurants on Veteran's Day.
Actually crime spiked in Australia after they had a drive to collect guns from citizens.The reason guns laws are ineffectual in Chicago is because you have to only travel as far as the city limits to get around them. You don't even need to leave the state, you can take the bus to the near suburbs and buy whatever guns you want.
If you want to see the effects of strict guns laws and the impact on gun deaths you need to look to other nations. See Australia for starters, they had a few mass shootings and clamped down on guns, it worked. See most of Europe, see virtually every other civilized nation.
I don't understand how you people argue that current law is working as intended and we should all just accept that this is normal and there's nothing that can done about it. That's obviously not true.
How's their mass shooting problem?Actually crime spiked in Australia after they had a drive to collect guns from citizens.
Good point.How's their mass shooting problem?
FACT CHECK: Australian Gun StatsActually crime spiked in Australia after they had a drive to collect guns from citizens.
Russian disinformation.Actually crime spiked in Australia after they had a drive to collect guns from citizens.
Lol. No.Most churches are a special situations. Mostly, the main entrance is also the exit. People would try to run to the exit and to the shooter. In churches, all ushers should have concealed carry permits and these shooters would not be able to get off so many shots.
The solution to gun issues isn't solved with more guns.Most churches are a special situations. Mostly, the main entrance is also the exit. People would try to run to the exit and to the shooter. In churches, all ushers should have concealed carry permits and these shooters would not be able to get off so many shots.
But everyone would be expected to participate in national defense, so we're back to where we started with the right of the people to keep and bear arms not being infringed.
Why would everyone be expected to participate in national defense?
The US government does not fear it's well armed populace.
The shooting yesterday could've been held to a couple of people shot.........had someone taken down the shooter.The solution to gun issues isn't solved with more guns.