Texas school shooting


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
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Biden's USDA: no school lunch money unless boys can use girls bathroom.

You wonder why there’s mass shootings? You kicked God out of the public school. You allowed all kinds of perversion to be taught… and then you wanna cry when someone does the work of Satan and blows 20 kids away. Well you reap what you sow in the seminaries for socialism they call public school.

The direction this country is headed with this demented old turd frontman for the new world order in charge I gotta believe those kids who died got off easy they’ve gone where none of this can hurt them


Strength through joy

  • A transgender Georgia woman has been wrongly accused of being the Texas school shooter, Salvador Ramos
  • Photos of Sam, 20, have been shared online falsely linking her to the massacre
  • She claims several sources have shared her photo claiming she was the gunman
  • Rep. Paul Gosar, of Arizona, posted on Twitter that the gunman was a 'transsexual leftist illegal alien named Salvatore Ramos'
  • He later deleted the tweet, however Sam says her photo continues to circulate
  • While she is fearful for her safety amid the online harassment, Sam said that her primary concern is for the victims of Tuesday's massacre and their loved ones


Strength through joy
Deserved to die. Interesting. So, if one's life is loseville. they deserve to die.
Floyd died because he was coked up and resisted arrest. That could happen to your town's bank president.
Are you saying that my local bank president is passing counterfeit twenty dollar bills ?


Inordinately Right
Deserved to die. Interesting. So, if one's life is loserville. they deserve to die.
He and his homies posed as utility workers so they could get a pregnant woman to open her front door. Then they forced their way inside where they beat her and robbed her.

This was one of many things he was arrested for. Now imagine all the things he got away with.

Deserve to die? I don't know, more than most people do I suppose. Definitely deserves a Darwin award for swallowing all his drugs and dying like a bitch in the street crying for his mommy lol.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

  • A transgender Georgia woman has been wrongly accused of being the Texas school shooter, Salvador Ramos
  • Photos of Sam, 20, have been shared online falsely linking her to the massacre
  • She claims several sources have shared her photo claiming she was the gunman
  • Rep. Paul Gosar, of Arizona, posted on Twitter that the gunman was a 'transsexual leftist illegal alien named Salvatore Ramos'
  • He later deleted the tweet, however Sam says her photo continues to circulate
  • While she is fearful for her safety amid the online harassment, Sam said that her primary concern is for the victims of Tuesday's massacre and their loved ones
Calling that dude a “women” and “she” is fake news as well. 😂

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Is that headline surprising to you or something?


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
I can't stand this chit. The emotional thinkers are out in force. Where are they every weekend when Chicago has hundreds of black Americans killed? These are racist bastards who's feelings get hurt from a school shooting yet they drink their craft beer as hundreds of young, black Americans get gunned down each weekend. The msm is racist as hell too.
An AR, or ANY semi auto is a piss poor choice for mass shooting effectiveness. A shotgun would kill 5X as many yet a shotgun doesn't hurt "feelings" as much as "assault" weapons.
The biggest question makes my :censored2: ache:
"WHY does anyone NEED an AR 15?"
Someone answer that!


Well-Known Member
Wonder if he's changed his thoughts on police from defund to fund. I hear sufficient training and equipment can go a long way in that line of work.
Agreed, I find it funny most of the people who scream gun control every time there’s a shooting, are the same people that don’t realize if they take your guns only the police and military will have guns. And yet they don’t trust the police.