Texas school shooting

So next time you get the crocodile tears from left wingers over these school shootings you just tell them…pretend it was an abortion then it would be terrific. It was the shooters right to choose !!


Got the T-Shirt

El Correcto

god is dead
Check out the speed of the bullet..
Impressive and a barrel swap seems like a bad idea, you probably do need a gun built to handle that velocity.

You will still be firing fmj through it though. If government pulls up on you armored up you might knock them on their asses easier but I doubt you would defeat their armor with those.

El Correcto

god is dead
I remember when the five seven was still a hot handgun. People were decrying the gun as a cop killer. This just seems like the next five seven to me, overpriced garbage. Stick to the 9mm.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Wow! He actually mentioned the innocent 19 children and two teachers in the same statement as George Floyd, the drug addict criminal. As if his death was even remotely the same as the deaths in Texas yesterday. SMH.