Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The concept of lockdown itself is something that originated in public school. Condition kids while they’re young to live in a prison society. We’re gonna lock down fur ihre sicherheit for your safety because the masters said so
I'm talking about what they do to people in Canada in regards to free speech


Well-Known Member
the guns end up in forgien countries which causes problems. theres no other country like you:

you have double the #2 country, 3 to 4x as much as canada

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s a rendition of Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by the Scottish musician Ted Christopher, a tribute to the 1996 Dunblane Primary School shooting in Scotland, when a gunman shot dead 16 children, ages 5 and 6, and a teacher. It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.K. history. After the shooting, the U.K. changed its gun laws. There hasn’t been a school shooting there since."

"After the 1996 Port Arthur mass shooting, Australia passed sweeping new gun control measures that largely ended mass shootings in the country. We speak with Rebecca Peters, an international arms control advocate who led the campaign to reform Australia’s gun laws after the massacre. She recalls how in just 10 days the prime minister brokered a deal with local officials to pass higher standards around gun safety that would prevent any mass shootings for the next 20 years. “We don’t think at all about the possibility of being murdered as we go about our daily lives in Australia,” says Peters."
And without guns the government cracked down on its citizens during the pandemic. Treated them in a way that would never fly here in the States.


Strength through joy
It's a shame you can't get into the USA.
There is an event Firday where you would fit in naturally.
You could be one of the many protestors expected at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston.
Which is hosting the National Rifle Association (NRA) , America’s leading gun lobbyist group.
Where NRA members will browse through exhibits of firearms and gun paraphernalia and hear speeches from key Republican leaders including the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, Texas senator Ted Cruz and former US president Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
Yet in states where our citizens were treated with dignity and respect and businesses remained open, like here in Florida, people like you sneered and ridiculed our governor for doing so.
Most cases per capita and deaths were overwhelmingly in republican states where ppl arent careful and everything is open for business like u said


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you can't get into the USA.
There is an event Firday where you would fit in naturally.
You could be one of the many protestors expected at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston.
Which is hosting the National Rifle Association (NRA) , America’s leading gun lobbyist group.
Where NRA members will browse through exhibits of firearms and gun paraphernalia and hear speeches from key Republican leaders including the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, Texas senator Ted Cruz and former US president Donald Trump.
Apparently nra has lost influence and something else has filled it role. And i can still get into america. u guys lie alot
It's a shame you can't get into the USA.
There is an event Firday where you would fit in naturally.
You could be one of the many protestors expected at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston.
Which is hosting the National Rifle Association (NRA) , America’s leading gun lobbyist group.
Where NRA members will browse through exhibits of firearms and gun paraphernalia and hear speeches from key Republican leaders including the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, Texas senator Ted Cruz and former US president Donald Trump.
The NRA is a completely feckless organization. They’ve actually done a lot to damage our second amendment freedom. How they became the boogeyman for every incident involving a gun speaks to the effectiveness of the propaganda pumped out by msm


Strength through joy
Most cases per capita and deaths were overwhelmingly in republican states where ppl arent careful and everything is open for business like u said
Don't forget democratic states where governors ordered that infected patients in nursing homes were not to be placed in isolation.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Most cases per capita and deaths were overwhelmingly in republican states where ppl arent careful and everything is open for business like u said
More BS. That’s why the economy in the red states that opened is better right? And they’re was no difference in cases.