Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
I wasn't responding the state results. I'm talking about down to cities and towns. Even the poorest counties and towns on my end of the state are lower than my city; and a lot of them are poorer than mine. My town is so liberal it is considered the San Francisco of the east coast. Extremely blue. Not a single city council member is red and only one of 7 seats in the county is Republican.
I am comparing states


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Ill take a wild guess that republican states were less population density, less likely to social distance or wear masks.
Because social distancing was made up by the CDC without a shred of evidence that it worked, with a magical 6 ft of distance. And even though there was overwhelming evidence that masks were mere decorations with little to no effect, the idiots pushed them. Some of us weren’t so stupid or gullible to fall for that BS. Follow the science, remember? Safe and effective, remember? Now get lost.


Well-Known Member
Because social distancing was made up by the CDC without a shred of evidence that it worked, with a magical 6 ft of distance. And even though there was overwhelming evidence that masks were mere decorations with little to no effect. Some of us weren’t so stupid or gullible to fall for that BS. Follow the science, remember? Safe and effective, remember? Now get lost.
Worst pill best pills agrees. So does cr.


Well-Known Member
If all cities are dem controlled then it shouldnt matter or it would b based on density, poverty, age, etc
Break it down however, but that's not what you were using in your comparison. I was just talking about the results you were referring to with the states


Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead
When you’re going to have a shootout with a gunman in an elementary school, you want the best of the best taking that shot. Securing the scene and getting it ready for those guys to do their job is important to.

There is a lot of liability for good guys with guns who end up hitting kids on accident, it’s not something you want to do. Getting in a shoot out surrounded by kids isn’t as easy as the left is making it seem here.