My wife decided to unfollow me on insta. Good! She's a retired teacher and is several triggered if there is a report of the HVAC system in ANY school that fails to keep the temperature between 72 and 72. She decided to match wits with me about the latest shooting and said my insta posts were "disrespectful". I told her that I posted in response to both my daughter, and daughter in law, posts which espoused taking away our right to bare arms. After explaining several points, such as using facts, truth, avoiding emotional /knee jerk opinion etc, she actually came around to my side.
Why is it I'm the devil to defend the 2nd,in RESPONSE to the anti 2nd posts people made BEFORE THE BODIES WERE EVEN COLD?!
IMO it's the anti 2nd "feelings crowd" that is gross and classless. NOT those responding to their idiocy.