Texas school shooting


IE boogeyman
Do u have good jobs? No

is the housing market working? No

Is the govt not corrupted by money including guns makers? no

is high ed affordable? no

Is healthcare affordable? no

is the labor movement strong? No

Are ppl organizing to take back their country and prevent impending collapse? no

Are americans socializing together like they used to? No

Are we free of ridiculous conspiracy theories? No
what if i told you all those things were done to purposely destroy America


Well-Known Member


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
My wife decided to unfollow me on insta. Good! She's a retired teacher and is several triggered if there is a report of the HVAC system in ANY school that fails to keep the temperature between 72 and 72. She decided to match wits with me about the latest shooting and said my insta posts were "disrespectful". I told her that I posted in response to both my daughter, and daughter in law, posts which espoused taking away our right to bare arms. After explaining several points, such as using facts, truth, avoiding emotional /knee jerk opinion etc, she actually came around to my side.
Why is it I'm the devil to defend the 2nd,in RESPONSE to the anti 2nd posts people made BEFORE THE BODIES WERE EVEN COLD?!
IMO it's the anti 2nd "feelings crowd" that is gross and classless. NOT those responding to their idiocy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


IE boogeyman
Did someone mention that the AR-15 was originally designed for civilian use here?
it was sold to civilians first, it was DESIGNED for military application

this is irrelevant anyways because US citizens have a Constitutional right to weapons of war, no matter how lethal they are; how else would we resist our government if needs be


nowhere special
it was sold to civilians first, it was DESIGNED for military application

this is irrelevant anyways because US citizens have a Constitutional right to weapons of war, no matter how lethal they are; how else would we resist our government if needs be
AR-15 was never designed for military use. It is not the same as an M-16. Just uses a lot of the same parts.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
like seriously think about what brings people together and makes them not want to kill eachother

do we share a common religion anymore?

do we share common political values?

do we have a shared ancestry?

do we have a shared culture?

this is what always happens to multicultural societies, throughout history; they tear themselves apart until the country finally breaks under pressure from the exterior because it has become so weak and fractured

there has never been a single successful multi-cultural society in history that didn't tear itself apart
Yea but behavior to this extreme? Is it drugs, violent video games, music? This is beyond anything.

This goes for all these shootings in our cities too.