Texas school shooting


Binge Poster
You've been lying about the U.S. forever. We're not perfect but nowhere near as bad as you make us out to be. I'm beginning to believe Canadians have a bad case of penis envy.
Honestly I believe Americans are pretty bad. I lifted the veil of denial many years ago. Still a great country though. In my opinion at least.


Well-Known Member
No, it isn't. Take the U.S. completely out of the picture and two things will happen. The global economy will fall apart and Russia and China would dominate the world in a totalitarian manner.
america currently acts as godfather which is totalitarian. republican party terribly dangerous as they deny climate collapse


Binge Poster
Buzz killer.
BTW a buzz killer is someone that sucks the fun out of the life of others by being boring, too serious and/or Posterbating. PLEASE don't ask what Posterbating is. Just go look at the recent activity of yours.
Do you post here exclusively for fun?

You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine, no.
WRONG. It absolutely IS a right and not a privilege. Actually it's both.
I disagree.

I firmly believe it is a privilege.
NICE! You and tegritty are hooking up in the same thread. Your making progress. Maybe you two can start your own thread and leave us alone?
Please define “us”, are you now yet another spokesperson for the entire BC community?
Either take America out or put in a potus like Biden.
I don’t understand this comment.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?

I don’t understand what you mean.

I want to understand please explain, if you will.
noam chomsky talks how americas power is comparable to being godfather. he used the recent french / australian / american weapons deal as an example. i forget what else. you guys have control over the international finance system too.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I believe Americans are pretty bad. I lifted the veil of denial many years ago. Still a great country though. In my opinion at least.
How is it a great country if the people who make it up are pretty bad? Applying a blanket statement to 330 million+ people is silly. Some are bad. Most aren't.


Binge Poster
noam chomsky talks how americas power is comparable to being godfather. he used the recent french / australian / american weapons deal as an example. i forget what else. you guys have control over the international finance system too.
Mafia godfather?

Not familiar with Noam Chomsky.
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Binge Poster
How is it a great country if the people who make it up are pretty bad
Relatively free to be fairly rotten. Each individual can, generally speaking, choose a plethora of bad or good.
Applying a blanket statement to 330 million+ people is silly.
Each person must decide for themselves.
Some are bad. Most aren't.
I believe there is the potential for good and bad in each person.

How are you living today, @vantexan ?
The situation prompted Don McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde and a staunch conservative, to request a Justice Department investigation over the weekend, and led a statewide law enforcement union to issue a statement supporting that inquiry, in part, because “sources that Texans once saw as ironclad and completely reliable have now been proven false.”

The reference was to the governor and the head of the state police, according to a spokeswoman for the union, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas.


Binge Poster
I really don’t care what you think.
I get it.

I believe that is one of the ways in which we differ.

I care very deeply about what you think. You are a human being with opinions, thoughts and feelings. You have value.

I disagree with you often, that is true, but that does not mean I don ‘t care, I do care. My value of you as a person doesn’t rely on your agreeing with me.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I get it.

I believe that is one of the ways in which we differ.

I care very deeply about what you think. You are a human being with opinions, thoughts and feelings. You have value.

I disagree with you often, that is true, but that does not mean I don ‘t care, I do care. My value of you as a person doesn’t rely on your agreeing with me.
Give me a break…


Well-Known Member
Mafia godfathe?

Not familiar with Noam Chomsky.
check him out hes the socrates of our age

he has a famous book about how the mainstream media works as propaganda. they wont put him on tv because what he says its outside of what they deem to be acceptable.



Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?

I don’t understand what you mean.

I want to understand please explain, if you will.
you guys almost lost your democracy on jan 6

many of you will cheer, you wont take up arms

if govt came to your door, youre not going to take up arms

alot of it is profits, some of it is racism, some of it is culture