Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
this is social medias evil creation …

I agree with you it has something to do with it, when we were growing up we didn’t have 24 seven social media and gossip ramping up our emotions screwing with our heads. We either had to be there in person or maybe have a telephone in the house with a cord that could reach to every room, with your parents yelling at you to get the hell off the phone.


Retired 23 years
I remember when we could bring our rifles and shotguns into the school for shop class to make custom stocks for them. During deer season 95% of the vehicles in the school parking lot had deer rifles and handguns setting in the back seat or hung in the back window.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
I agree with you it has something to do with it, when we were growing up we didn’t have 24 seven social media and gossip ramping up our emotions screwing with our heads. We either had to be there in person or maybe have a telephone in the house with a cord that could reach to every room, with your parents yelling at you to get the hell off the phone.
We smoked joints in the woods after school when I was young , now they are all shooting each other up cause they don’t know if they’re a boy or a girl ….SMH


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I agree with you it has something to do with it, when we were growing up we didn’t have 24 seven social media and gossip ramping up our emotions screwing with our heads. We either had to be there in person or maybe have a telephone in the house with a cord that could reach to every room, with your parents yelling at you to get the hell off the phone.
People had respect for teachers, cops, firemen, adults. You had better or it was a beating.


Well-Known Member
40 years ago we could walk down the road with shotguns to go hunting.
We've had 30+ years of teenagers playing graphic violent video games that are ever more sophisticated. I bet a common thread among all these school shooters is they spent a lot of time socially isolated playing violent games. Doesn't mean those games turn everyone into killers but it desensitizes violence and that's definitely a problem for those mentally unstable.