Bombing planes is so Late 90s early 2000s. And it’s funny you think a bunch of fat overweight government workers who care less about their job are going to have the kind of intensity to keep you safe that is necessary. That kind of security is meant for someone who believes like you do that everything will be just fine, if it is just fine you just got lucky. They only guarantee of safety you have is you being ready and aware. And even that is no guarantee. This is what gets me about you van you preach about your dislike for Democrats and then do you want more government control because even though we realize they don’t really ever work just limit and cause unnecessary hardship for law abiding citizens. If someone wants to blow up a plane they’ll figure out a way. Just like if someone wants to get a gun they’ll figure out a way. Remember the 9/11 was supposedly just Box knives. Every manner of knife and weapon has been on a plane since then daily. But my aunt who has the last name of Mason get flagged every time simply because that’s her last name they don’t even tell her why nor will they.

that’s some amazing security