The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Legio patria nostra
Biden may need all the money as he may face criminal charges.

The new evidence could prove transformative, not only for the criminal but the impeachment investigation of the president.
He's a scumbag...He'll get away with the crimes he, his family and his followers have always gotten away with.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Who said I feel bad for them? Getting close to 8 million let in illegally according to numerous sources. Are you seeing 8 million murders, robberies, rapes being committed by illegals? Intellectually lazy.

They're here illegally. If we are so lucky as to have a Republican in the White House in 2025 he should fire the 87,000 new IRS agents and put them all to work for ICE and round the illegals up and deport them. And arrest any corporate executives illegally hiring them.
They certainly commit many crimes. Deportation for all of them.


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
How is that grifting? Who is he defrauding? If people want to buy that they can choose to. Just a form of raising money and having a little fun doing it. Geez.


All Trash No Trailer