The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
That just goes to show PT Barnum said as right
I wonder what he would say about Hunter Biden selling his "art" for hundreds of thousands each? You rag on Trump selling cards and taking donations but never talk about the president's family taking in tens of millions peddling influence.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I wonder what he would say about Hunter Biden selling his "art" for hundreds of thousands each? You rag on Trump selling cards and taking donations but never talking about the president's family taking in tens of millions peddling influence.
Heads up the ass


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what he would say about Hunter Biden selling his "art" for hundreds of thousands each? You rag on Trump selling cards and taking donations but never talk about the president's family taking in tens of millions peddling influence.
comparing corrupt vs corrupt

vote cornel west


Well-Known Member
Hope you don't mind the provision of context for your soundbite posts.

Anyway, Trump might be right about some of those military officials if they share responsibility for our disastrously executed Afghanistan withdrawal.
trump might even be stupid himself....can you imagine!!!


All Trash No Trailer
I wonder what he would say about Hunter Biden selling his "art" for hundreds of thousands each? You rag on Trump selling cards and taking donations but never talk about the president's family taking in tens of millions peddling influence.
Stupidity knows no party boundaries. As far as Hunter Biden, we should impeach his ass!


All Trash No Trailer
How so? A PAC takes donations. People weren't swindled. Do you understand what it means to grift?
I’m struggling to remember when President Biden begged for money to pay his legal fees. And yeah man using the PAC for personal gain is most certainly fleecing the sheep who dumbly, blindly follow him


Well-Known Member
Hope you don't mind the provision of context for your soundbite posts.

Anyway, Trump might be right about some of those military officials if they share responsibility for our disastrously executed Afghanistan withdrawal.
I know if Biden said the exact same thing that you'd be all cool and chill with it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Hope you don't mind the provision of context for your soundbite posts.

Anyway, Trump might be right about some of those military officials if they share responsibility for our disastrously executed Afghanistan withdrawal.
I know if Biden said the exact same thing that you'd be all cool and chill with it.

Sure would make a whole lotta sense given his particular context.


Well-Known Member
If only the electorate were enlightened enough to make Cornel West the President, eh?
his videos speak for themselves not to mention what hes done with his life.

niether biden nor trump could beat west in a debate - which is why the corporation who control the debates will never let it happen!