The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


All Trash No Trailer
Trump got more votes than any sitting president in history in 2020. Meanwhile 2024 voters will have had four years of Biden to compare. Trump is polling 22% support among African Americans, 10% higher than the 12% who voted for him in 2020. And Hispanics in general don't like the social issues that the far Left has been pushing. Democrats need that coalition to win. It's not for nothing your party is alarmed at the latest polls. If you're going to tell me I'm making this up then you aren't seriously following politics.
The midterm elections from earlier this year and the most recent elections from November 7 prove my point very clearly that younger people who vote are a force to be reckoned with.

Polls mean nothing, people voting does . The polls for both the midterms ( remember that Red Wave that the polls expected) as well as the most recent elections forecast huge wins for Republicans.
We all see how well that played out 👍


Inordinately Right
The polls for both the midterms ( remember that Red Wave that the polls expected) as well as the most recent elections forecast huge wins for Republicans.
No they didn't.
You just constantly get tricked into believing silly stuff like that because you swallow so much left wing trash media.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
The midterm elections from earlier this year and the most recent elections from November 7 prove my point very clearly that younger people who vote are a force to be reckoned with.

Polls mean nothing, people voting does . The polls for both the midterms ( remember that Red Wave that the polls expected) as well as the most recent elections forecast huge wins for Republicans.
We all see how well that played out 👍
I still like Republican chances in '24. Two thirds of the Senate seats up for re-election are Democratic incumbents. Only about half of those are considered safe for Democrats. That plus four years of Biden may not produce a Red Wave but it'll likely give us control. Trump is likely at this moment the next president.

If Republicans don't win, and we get another four years of this, the country is sunk.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I still like Republican chances in '24. Two thirds of the Senate seats up for re-election are Democratic incumbents. Only about half of those are considered safe for Democrats. That plus four years of Biden may not produce a Red Wave but it'll likely give us control. Trump is likely at this moment the next president.

If Republicans don't win, and we get another four years of this, the country is sunk.
The Supreme Court will be releasing their ruling on the abortion drug sometime in June or July of 2024. Just in time for registration and early voting. Just for the record, I'm against 95% of abortions, it's only relative because of it's timing.


Inordinately Right
Imagine being such a brainwashed sheep that you think killing babies is "reproductive" rights.

Somehow these cultists can't view rationally the obvious contrarian propaganda terms they're spoon-fed.


Well-Known Member
Only a Democrat would support a DOJ that looked at listing parents protesting at schoolboard meetings domestic terrorists, refused to prosecute rioters, sent heavily armed SWAT teams to arrest people over very minor things local DA's refused to prosecute, covered up the obvious corruption of the president's family, prosecute the president's chief rival to prevent his candidacy, then squawk that if that rival is elected he's going to politicize his DOJ and go after his adversaries.

They know they've crossed the line and are worried about retribution.


All Trash No Trailer
And in the last 14 years y'all have been springing leaks everywhere.
Hmm in the last fourteen , Obama served two terms, and Orange Jesus was the first president since Bush 1 to only serve one term.
The republicans haven’t won a major election since 2016 and almost all of the Trump backed candidates last year and so far this year have been defeated.
Republicans can’t keep a steady SOH in Congress, and fight among themselves so much very little actual governing actually happens.