The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Why ask you what your views on capitalism are when you've already been measured using the clearest and strongest indicator of leftist ideology?
In a far-right fascist future anybody who doesn’t support the wholesale murder of transgender Americans will be derided as “leftists”. Will you fit into that camp? It’s happened before in the past in Europe.


Well-Known Member
In a far-right fascist future anybody who doesn’t support the wholesale murder of transgender Americans will be derided as “leftists”. Will you fit into that camp? It’s happened before in the past in Europe.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You’ve been accurately identified as a leftist.


Is clearly not true.
A lefty that’s pro-capitalism.. sure. Whatever you say. Now what?
Why ask you what your views on capitalism are when you've already been measured using the clearest and strongest indicator of leftist ideology?
According to you. Doesn't mean much.

It means something. It's just not necessary for this purpose.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not a good idea to relax too much when the leading Republican for president is dehumanizing “leftists” and calling them “vermin” who should be “rooted out”

Sure only one side is calling people names and dehumanizing 😂😳

Do you ever grow tired of the Trump Biden soap opera?


Well-Known Member
Show me where I called Trump or righties “Nazis”
I suppose a president saying something like this is OK with you?

Disagreement is one thing, calling them a threat. Seems like it’s pretty incendiary and dehumanizing.

Both of these people are nothing more than dividers. It’s all about them.