In a recent post, I stated "On all these issues the Democratic Party is demonic, and must be stopped." By "issues" I had specified not only abortion (even with all the backpedaling done by Trump, there is still significant difference between the two Parties on that issue), but also such issues as:
*The chemical castration and mutilation of minors
*Allowing males in female restrooms and sports
*Court appointments legislating their 'woke' agenda from the bench without regard for Constitutional safeguards
*Censoring and criminalizing speech and violating free exercise of religion
*Election cheating through an illegal immigration scam that threatens to turn the nation into a one-Party, California-style state
*Banana-Republic politicized prosecution of their chief political opponent
I received a little flak for saying that the Democratic Party's stance on these issues is "demonic." I will not back down. I believe the characterization was apt.
A Party that makes its two twin idols, both grave sins, "LGBTQ" immoral coercion and the taking of human life through abortion for all nine months of pregnancy is demonic on these issues. All the more so because they accompany these demonic positions with demonic efforts at censoring and criminalizing speech and inhibiting free exercise of religion.
Let's get personal here.
Yes, if the state tried to take my child from me or transition my child without my permission to a false "gender," thereby permanently castrating my child, that would be a demonic case of child abuse, pure and simple.
If "LGBTQ" laws passed by the state caused me to be investigated by police with possible jail time for something I said about "LGBTQ" matters, or caused me to lose my job for my beliefs, or demanded from me compelled speech regarding transgender pronouns or names (a blasphemy of my Creator), these too would be demonic actions by the Democratic Party.
An Executive Order interpretation of "sex discrimination" in Title IX to permit boys in female restrooms, locker rooms, and sports, assaulting female privacy and modesty and taking awards away from real females is demonic.
Forcibly indoctrinating my children in school with "LGBTQ+" propaganda that allows for no dissenting viewpoints to be shared, that teaches them to regard dissenters to this ideology as hateful and ignorant bigots, that confuses my child about his or her own sexuality, and which sexualizes my child at the youngest school age with the abomination of Drag Queen Story Hour, and which refuses parents the right to be informed and to opt-out their children from such "LGBTQ+" struggle sessions, yes, all these too are demonic policies.
Passing laws protecting school officials and teachers to lie to me about my minor child's gender transition and treating me in the legal system as a child abuser if I encourage my child to harmonize her or his self-understanding with biological reality constitutes demonic stances.
And of course promoting and even bragging about the killing of children in the womb, even past viability, with no protection for that human life other than a consultation between the mother and her doctor, allowing a virtually unlimited option at any time for the "emotional health" of the mother, and even revoking lifesaving medical care for babies born after botched abortions (which Walz did and Harris supports) is demonic.
I could go on. But this is enough to justify the use of the word "demonic" for political idols of the Democratic Party.
Robert Gagnon