The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
He’s talked to The New York Times as well. Just published today.

You don’t have to believe him but he’s been consistent. And so has Jeffrey Goldberg.
I don’t believe him, he’s got an axe to grind he’s not believable. It dishonorable the way he handled it. What a shame. Now the left will just use him and they will toss him to the side when they’re done.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I don’t believe him, he’s got an axe to grind he’s not believable. It dishonorable the way he handled it. What a shame. Now the life was just using him and they will toss him to the side when they’re done.
Let’s assume Kelly is telling the truth for a second for the sake of argument: could you really blame the guy for being pissed enough to break custom and talk about a former president if that former president called American war dead “losers” and “suckers”? Kelly’s own son died serving the country.

Just think about it before you type.


Well-Known Member
Let’s assume Kelly is telling the truth for a second for the sake of argument: could you really blame the guy for being pissed enough to break custom and talk about a former president if that former president called American war dead “losers” and “suckers”? Kelly’s own son died serving the country.

Just think about it before you type.
Kelly story is not believable. And the way he handled it proves he is nothing more than a pissed off former employee with an axe to grind. he dishonor his son and his position doing what he did. And yes, I thought about it a long time.
The man didn’t say anything for many many months until he was fired. Let that sink in. He Should Be Court Marshaled and his rank relinquished.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Kelly story is not believable. And the way he handled it proves he is nothing more than a pissed off former employee with an axe to grind. he dishonor his son and his position doing what he did. And yes, I thought about it a long time.
The man didn’t say anything for many many months until he was fired. Let that sink in. He Should Be Court Marshaled and his rank relinquished.
Court martialed? On what grounds?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Should be lol, throwing around that he’s a general they should be able to take that back when someone is generally considered a coward and insubordinate. Those titles are reserved for actual heroes. Men of integrity.
Does Kelly have a history of being untruthful or engaging in cons?

Does Trump?

Come on, buddy. We all know who has more integrity.


Well-Known Member
Does Kelly have a history of being untruthful or engaging in cons?

Does Trump?

Come on, buddy. We all know who has more integrity.
Apparently, he does yes. Your little Atlantic anonymous story proves he’s not trustworthy. God knows what else he’s done that we don’t know about.
I wouldn’t trust someone like him any further than I could throw him.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You want to go ahead and tell us now which of your other usernames you're going to be posting under when you get banned?

Seems like that's what you're working on for some reason. Maybe take a deep breath hun.
Why would I be getting banned? I’ve not personally attacked anyone here. I really do feel badly for people who would believe Don The Con over a four-star Marine General who lost his own flesh and blood in combat. It’s depressing. Kelly is just telling the truth and you guys can’t handle it.


Well-Known Member
Why would I be getting banned? I’ve not personally attacked anyone here. I really do feel badly for people who would believe Don The Con over a four-star Marine General who lost his own flesh and blood in combat. It’s depressing. Kelly is just telling the truth and you guys can’t handle it.
Yeah, he told the truth many many months later after he was fired and apparently anonymously and now when it’s politically convenient. What a great dad. It would be an honor to serve under a general like him. 😂 the national enquirer general.

Is this the last gasp of the left desperately trying to win this election? None of this stuff has worked. This won’t work either.


Well-Known Member
Why would I be getting banned? I’ve not personally attacked anyone here. I really do feel badly for people who would believe Don The Con over a four-star Marine General who lost his own flesh and blood in combat. It’s depressing. Kelly is just telling the truth and you guys can’t handle it.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Yeah, he told the truth many many months later after he was fired and apparently anonymously and now when it’s politically convenient. What a great dad. It would be an honor to serve under a general like him. 😂 the national enquirer general.

Is this the last gasp of the left desperately trying to win this election? None of this stuff has worked. This won’t work either.
Politically convenient? Is Gen. Kelly running for office?

He didn’t speak up at the time because he was performing a job under the office of POTUS and that job was more important than his disgust. And so when he was let go he decided he would talk. Even his own opinions about the man stayed with him while he served the country.

I’m not saying “this” will work but it’s important for voters to know that Trump is a dirt bag and we will just get more of this kind of leadership if he wins. We’ve been warned.