The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
In all fairness here, that is how my private messages with @Doublestandards played out.

I would love to figure out *why* his account got locked, but welcome to a forum being run without an administrator.

I will back up what you say about your other account. Seems to be truthful.

Although I don’t understand why you have a problem with someone realizing they were wrong and changing your mind, it’s exactly what should happen when you realize you don’t believe the same way anymore. Some people call that growth, maturity, and wisdom.
Thank you guys i appreciate it lol. Although you two are the ones that outed me on this new account haha. I figured I’d start off fresh because I hated my name being associated with it

I started posting again and @Thebrownblob was convinced I was someone named sportello lol, i kept saying I wasn’t but you insisted, then randomly you said my actual name and I’m guessing @BadIdeaGuy messaged you and told you lol. But to be fair you didn’t know I didn’t want want my name out there at that point

“Although I don’t understand why you have a problem with someone realizing they were wrong and changing your mind”

Couple reasons, I never posted his hypocrisy until after I private messaged him and asked him to please stop saying my name and lying that I got high at work. And he just did it more. Saying my name sucks, but then to continuously lie and say I got fired for being “high at work”, I just don’t want that lie associated with my name. After he refused, and does it more and more, I figured, “ok, fair game to go back and use public information I suppose”. I got a lot more than he has on me too, but I’m nicer than him. I think it really shows a persons character to do that though

And I don’t think that level of 180 switch in opinions is normal. It’s every. Single. Opinion. I think that’s radicalization from propaganda. But that’s another side

And I kept this all between me and him. I never messaged the moderator asking him to stop, or reported any of his posts. Tried to be man to man. But you will not find one single screenshot of his hypocrisies until after I asked him to stop and he refused


Inordinately Right
Thank you guys i appreciate it lol. Although you two are the ones that outed me on this new account haha. I figured I’d start off fresh because I hated my name being associated with it

I started posting again and @Thebrownblob was convinced I was someone named sportello lol, i kept saying I wasn’t but you insisted, then randomly you said my actual name and I’m guessing @BadIdeaGuy messaged you and told you lol. But to be fair you didn’t know I didn’t want want my name out there at that point

“Although I don’t understand why you have a problem with someone realizing they were wrong and changing your mind”

Couple reasons, I never posted his hypocrisy until after I private messaged him and asked him to please stop saying my name and lying that I got high at work. And he just did it more. Saying my name sucks, but then to continuously lie and say I got fired for being “high at work”, I just don’t want that lie associated with my name. After he refused, and does it more and more, I figured, “ok, fair game to go back and use public information I suppose”. I got a lot more than he has on me too, but I’m nicer than him. I think it really shows a persons character to do that though

And I don’t think that level of 180 switch in opinions is normal. It’s every. Single. Opinion. I think that’s radicalization from propaganda. But that’s another side

And I kept this all between me and him. I never messaged the moderator asking him to stop, or reported any of his posts. Tried to be man to man. But you will not find one single screenshot of his hypocrisies until after I asked him to stop and he refused
FFS no one cares Harry.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
"Christian nation" really seems to trigger the left.

We are a nation founded by Christians, organized in a system that requires Christian morals to function properly.

The founders didn't want religion out of government, they wanted government out of religion.
But the civil magistrate up until about thirty minutes ago was given the sword to punish evil and benefit the Christian faith! Basic Refomed Confessions teach this. Governments have duties given to them by God. I’m not arguing either for a hard form of sacralism! The rod to the family, the sword to the state, and the keys to the church. Separate spheres but all having duties to God!


Well-Known Member

Just stop.

I pointed out that Trump said children are having sex changes at school or during school hours without a parent knowing and you guys derided me as a fibber. I want an apology.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys i appreciate it lol. Although you two are the ones that outed me on this new account haha. I figured I’d start off fresh because I hated my name being associated with it

I started posting again and @Thebrownblob was convinced I was someone named sportello lol, i kept saying I wasn’t but you insisted, then randomly you said my actual name and I’m guessing @BadIdeaGuy messaged you and told you lol. But to be fair you didn’t know I didn’t want want my name out there at that point

“Although I don’t understand why you have a problem with someone realizing they were wrong and changing your mind”

Couple reasons, I never posted his hypocrisy until after I private messaged him and asked him to please stop saying my name and lying that I got high at work. And he just did it more. Saying my name sucks, but then to continuously lie and say I got fired for being “high at work”, I just don’t want that lie associated with my name. After he refused, and does it more and more, I figured, “ok, fair game to go back and use public information I suppose”. I got a lot more than he has on me too, but I’m nicer than him. I think it really shows a persons character to do that though

And I don’t think that level of 180 switch in opinions is normal. It’s every. Single. Opinion. I think that’s radicalization from propaganda. But that’s another side

And I kept this all between me and him. I never messaged the moderator asking him to stop, or reported any of his posts. Tried to be man to man. But you will not find one single screenshot of his hypocrisies until after I asked him to stop and he refused
Yep I was wrong about the reason you had a new account.

I do not know @DriveInDriveOut personally so I wouldn’t speak for him personally, although I will say they’re absolutely is a way a person’s opinions can do a 180°. Unless you’ve experienced it yourself, it would be seemingly abnormal.


Well-Known Member
If America is a Christian nation, why does the first ammendment specifically restrict the government from establishing a state religion?
Because the principles of Jesus Christ were never about forcing people Or making them submit because they had to out of fear. The principal was you should do it because you want to and with a glad heart.
Just like with children it’s much easier to get them to do things they want to than to force them. Forcing people never works, especially with religion.

The founding fathers understood this principle.
Much like people on the left think taxation is a form of charity. It is most certainly not because it is not done with a happy heart. It is never the same as true charity.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
If America is a Christian nation, why does the first ammendment specifically restrict the government from establishing a state religion?
Because separation of church and state is a separation of governments, I am entirely in favor of the First Amendment. I don’t believe that we should select one denomination and make it The Church of the United States—the way the Anglican Church is the Church of England, or the Lutheran Church is the Church of Denmark. We did not want (and I still do not want) a formal established church at the federal level. That would be bone-headed and unconstitutional.

Established churches at the state level would be bone-headed but NOT unconstitutional. When the Constitution was adopted, most of the states had an official religious position. What year did North Carolina stop being Anglican? The year was 1875, almost a century after 1776. What year did New Hampshire stop being Congregationalist? Well, that was 1877. What year did Maryland stop being Anglican? That was 1867. I don’t think formal church establishment is a good idea, but it was certainly going on. And the people who ratified the Constitution obviously did not believe that official support for a particular Christian denomination at the state level was in any way inconsistent with the First Amendment.



Well-Known Member
Because the principles of Jesus Christ were never about forcing people Or making them submit because they had to out of fear. The principal was you should do it because you want to and with a glad heart.
Just like with children it’s much easier to get them to do things they want to than to force them. Forcing people never works, especially with religion.

The founding fathers understood this principle.
Much like people on the left think taxation is a form of charity. It is most certainly not because it is not done with a happy heart. It is never the same as true charity.
That’s great and I have no problems with Christianity whatsoever and I believe in myself, but I just don’t feel you can then call America a Christian nation, because the first ammendment specifically rules against establishing a state religion, while other countries do not have that rule

I hope that makes sense I might not be explaining it as well I want


Inordinately Right
That’s great and I have no problems with Christianity whatsoever and I believe in myself, but I just don’t feel you can then call America a Christian nation, because the first ammendment specifically rules against establishing a state religion, while other countries do not have that rule

I hope that makes sense I might not be explaining it as well I want
Watch this:


Well-Known Member
The Democrat party's election denialism is starting. Are they willing to block his win after the fact?

View attachment 499430
I see more people on here already talking about how democrats are going to cheat and immigrants voting and mail fraud then I do democrats saying it


Well-Known Member
So did you watch it or not?
Every state was overtly religious.
Yea I did. That’s fine that they were. Things change. States had slaves then too and women couldn’t vote. Things change

What doesn’t change is the first ammendment clearly says “Congress cannot make laws that establish a religion or prohibit the free exercise of a religion”

Can not establish a religion

Christianity was not established as a religion in America. America is not a Christian nation