The big bang theory

El Correcto

god is dead
The fact that there is a dearth of challenging information to scientific dogma tells you all you need to know about how the "scientific community" works. The fact that you can even seriously mention the "scientific community" shows you are brainwashed by the priests in white lab coats.

A bunch of people getting together and agreeing on something doesn't make it true. I already pointed out why radio dating can't possibly ever be proven or disproven, but it went right over your head. I don't know how to simplify it further, not that I could break through your conditioning anyway. The speculation I speak of is the many things your white lab coat priesthood have to assume in order to come up with an answer. The fact that then other members of the white lab coat circle jerk all give each other a reach around out of professional courtesy lends zero credence to results that are completely based on unfalsifiable assumptions.
The fact that there is a dearth of challenging information to scientific dogma tells you all you need to know about how the "scientific community" works. The fact that you can even seriously mention the "scientific community" shows you are brainwashed by the priests in white lab coats.

A bunch of people getting together and agreeing on something doesn't make it true. I already pointed out why radio dating can't possibly ever be proven or disproven, but it went right over your head. I don't know how to simplify it further, not that I could break through your conditioning anyway. The speculation I speak of is the many things your white lab coat priesthood have to assume in order to come up with an answer. The fact that then other members of the white lab coat circle jerk all give each other a reach around out of professional courtesy lends zero credence to results that are completely based on unfalsifiable assumptions.
No you didn’t you silly little jew worshipper, you just posted assumption in bold and made that your talking point to spin away.
These are the only kinds of sites disputing it.
“The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about”


I'm a star
No you didn’t you silly little jew worshipper, you just posted assumption in bold and made that your talking point to spin away.
These are the only kinds of sites disputing it.
“The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about”

Lol, that was one post. You ignored/didn't understand the other post where I listed out the assumptions being made, you silly lab tech worshipper. I didn't even have to look them up, radio dating is just so absurd on its face that it's self-evident that it is unreliable and faulty.

El Correcto

god is dead
Lol, that was one post. You ignored/didn't understand the other post where I listed out the assumptions being made, you silly lab tech worshipper. I didn't even have to look them up, radio dating is just so absurd on its face that it's self-evident that it is unreliable and faulty.
Maybe you should try actually reading about it or watching a video about it you silly jew worshipper.


Well-Known Member
God is.

God revealed Himself as Yahweh, which means ‘I am, who am’.

God is the source of His own existence. That gives Him dominion over all.

Sorry you can’t comprehend that.
I was taught that after Christ came to Earth and died for our sins we must believe he is the son of God, be baptized, live a faithful life. Salvation is only in Christ. Problem I have with that is the untold billions who've never heard of Jesus or only have a faint idea of who he is. That are practicing other religions. And in the last 100 years the world's population has exploded. All those lives consigned to a devil's hell because they don't know Christ. And even many claiming to be Christian won't make it. A just God won't condemn all of those people who are here because their parents had sex. I'm beginning to believe Christianity was used as a tool by the rich and powerful to keep the masses in line. I don't want to believe that, but I've just seen too much, have read too much history. And based on the Bible I'm probably in trouble for having doubts. The ironic thing is the cooperative, communal nature of Christianity found in the Bible. Because of its spread the rich and powerful appeared to have co-opted it to their own ends. But the exploitive nature of capitalism isn't much in line with Christianity. As an economic system it does work, but not very well for many. And too well for some.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So you cant even sack up and give a yes or no answer.
I thought my response was easily understood.
Did you see the chart?
If you don't believe in the Genesis account of creation( there is no such thing as Christian Creationism, they weren't around) your only other choice is you evolved from algae in pond scum into bacteria to tadpole and a kmillion years later you were a man.

I'll go with man was created by God. You?

Poop Head

Judge me.
I grew up going to catholic church every sunday, went to catechism/ccd, was an altarboy, confirmed, went to catholic school from 7th thru 10th grades.

I could never wrap my mind around any of it. To me, the whole religion thing is just to pacify the weak minded sheep. Possibly attempt to instill a moral compass in these individuals. Seriously, the most immoral people ive met in my life have been jews and christians.

I personally dont believe in anything. Well, i do believe in something, that when i die, im gonna die alone, and that will be it.


I'm a star
Maybe you should try actually reading about it or watching a video about it you silly jew worshipper.

I have plenty before. The problems haven't been overcome, you silly research assistant worshipper. In fact, the people presenting the information never even address the obvious pronlems with their fairy tales, 'cause they know those problems can't be solved.
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