The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Anyone ignorant to believe the type of overwhelming, illegal immigration that is happening today that is destroying and crippling even very blue cities, is a good thing, is really not worth even talking to. Astounding, ignorance

Still waiting to hear from him why all the Dems, MSM and sanctuary states are talking bad about Gov Abbott when he is helping them out by sending them illegals? Remember “Illegal immigration is a net economic positive”


Well-Known Member
If someone has to tell you how intelligent they are, they’re usually not that bright. Certainly no common sense in evidence.

I don’t recall making any assertions whatsoever.

BB made a statement, and I responded to his statement with facts that happen to represent objective reality.


Well-Known Member
I don’t recall making any assertions whatsoever.

BB made a statement, and I responded to his statement with facts that happen to represent objective reality.
Actually, you originally made a statement saying illegal immigration is a net positive. While you watch the country burn and be torn apart, cities be overwhelmed. People die. What kind of object reality are you trying to represent? Sickening.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Actually, you originally made a statement saying illegal immigration is a net positive. While you watch the country burn and be torn apart, cities be overwhelmed. People die. What kind of object reality are you trying to represent? Sickening.
Starting to sound like an alt account


Well-Known Member
Illegal immigration is a net economic positive.

Furthermore, if you’re talking about post secondary education, most Americans are “uneducated”.
If you're talking about them trickling in and working in fields, dairies, and slaughterhouses you may be right. When you talk about having close to 8 million come in unvetted in three years who must be fed and housed, who may have been criminals in their home countries, may be part of terrorist organizations, may be bringing in diseases like tuberculosis, who are overwhelming the capabilities of cities to care for them, they aren't a net positive. We have legal immigration for a reason.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Illegal immigration is a net economic positive.
This is an easily disproven falsehood.
Please stop spreading misinformation.

This is why when @Meat bragged about his higher education I immediately recognize him as an educated (brainwashed) person. He seems to be one of those educated people that sponge in whatever he is told without the common sense to question it. He put in his years of “education” so he knows he is right and would never think to question what he has been taught. That is the scary part of education with someone that doesn’t have common sense.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
This is why when @Meat bragged about his higher education I immediately recognize him as an educated (brainwashed) person. He seems to be one of those educated people that sponge in whatever he is told without the common sense to question it. He put in his years of “education” so he knows he is right and would never think to question what he has been taught. That is the scary part of education with someone that doesn’t have common sense.


Well-Known Member

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
There’s one thing I can definitely guarantee you’im not assumeing is that you sound arrogant and ignorant. no one asked you these questions and you come to a website where the majority of the people here are above average salary, and standard of living, I don’t know why you would want to flex such a dumb thing. Doesn’t make you look smart, my friend makes you look petty, and Small.
He’s a troll who has trolled the FedEx forum previously. Just ignore him.


Well-Known Member
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.