The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.

The foreigners who are here legally are treated as if they were native-born.

If we didn’t have an open border a lot of those who are here illegally would not even be among us.

Leviticus isn’t saying that countries don’t get to control their borders. Or that illegal migrants should be given a free pass.


Inordinately Right
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.
No one is suggesting they should be mistreated.

Or are you having trouble understanding the verse? It is not suggesting they receive "citizenship".

Another strawman from you.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.
Romans 13.1. Let every person be subject to governing authorities. For their is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
So if they are here illegally and we have deportation procedures based on law we should be sending them back.
Again you only look at what you want to see not what really is. You are beyond bad at this.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.
No one is suggesting they should be mistreated.

Or are you having trouble understanding the verse? It is not suggesting they receive "citizenship".

Another strawman from you.
Romans 13.1. Let every person be subject to governing authorities. For their is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
So if they are here illegally and we have deportation procedures based on law we should be sending them back.
Again you only look at what you want to see not what really is. You are beyond bad at this.

I think he’s probably just used to being on leftist sites or forums where they all tell each other that angles of attack like this one are brilliant.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.
Democrats: Biden goes to church and is a Catholic. Trump doesn’t even go to church.

Meanwhile: illegals are breaking the law of the land and Democrats are helping them.

Romans 13:2 So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.

Democrats: Religious beliefs aren‘t needed in running a country.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
MAGA: We need to run America based on the Bible

Bible: "The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself." Leviticus 19:34

MAGA: Not that part of Leviticus.
The Law of Moses made specific regulations regarding the admission into Israel's community of such as were not born Israelites. You know, laws to be even recognized as a citizen. Even then, proselytes were limited.


Strength through joy
Massachusetts' governor Healy will not be housing any "families" at her home.
She lives in a condo with her current girlfriend.
However, she keeps insisting that every other homeowner find a spare bedroom within their home to help her deal with the crisis.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
This governor must not be as educated as @Meat and doesn’t know that “Illegal immigration is a net economic positive” for his state.

I think these governors lost the right to bitch when they support illegal immigration. His biggest gripe? They they are only sending them to sanctuary cities.
Isn't that what they claim they want? Pathetic hypocrites.


Legio patria nostra


Strength through joy
Aguilar-Mendez’s defense attorney, Phillip Arroyo, told First Coast News that has threatened to file a federal lawsuit if St. Johns County prosecutors do not drop their charges against his client.
“Mr. Virgilio was a victim of police brutality. He was a victim of racial profiling,” Arroyo said. “He was a victim of violation of his fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment constitutional rights. Those who are responsible for this abuse will be held accountable.”
Arroyo also said the charges against Aguilar-Mendez are some “of the greatest injustices he’s ever seen” in the court system, calling them a “grave injustice” and “disheartening.”
The threat of a federal lawsuit comes as a local judge recently found Aguilar-Mendez incompetent to stand trial and ordered him to undergo competency treatment while he remains in St. Johns County custody.
According to police, on May 19, Kunovich lawfully attempted to pat down Aguilar-Mendez while he was sitting outside of a closed business. Aguilar-Mendez, instead of complying, tried to flee from Kunovich. When other officers got involved, Aguilar-Mendez continued resisting.
Eventually, Kunovich was on the ground in a struggle with Aguilar-Mendez who attempted to grab the officer’s taser off his person. The struggle lasted for more than six minutes. Afterward, Aguilar-Mendez was handcuffed but pulled out a pocketknife, which was quickly taken from him.
Following the struggle with Aguilar-Mendez, Kunovich collapsed on the ground. First responders administered lifesaving measures, but he was pronounced dead after being rushed to a nearby hospital.
{Body camera video shows what happened.}


Legio patria nostra
Aguilar-Mendez’s defense attorney, Phillip Arroyo, told First Coast News that has threatened to file a federal lawsuit if St. Johns County prosecutors do not drop their charges against his client.
“Mr. Virgilio was a victim of police brutality. He was a victim of racial profiling,” Arroyo said. “He was a victim of violation of his fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment constitutional rights. Those who are responsible for this abuse will be held accountable.”
Arroyo also said the charges against Aguilar-Mendez are some “of the greatest injustices he’s ever seen” in the court system, calling them a “grave injustice” and “disheartening.”
The threat of a federal lawsuit comes as a local judge recently found Aguilar-Mendez incompetent to stand trial and ordered him to undergo competency treatment while he remains in St. Johns County custody.
According to police, on May 19, Kunovich lawfully attempted to pat down Aguilar-Mendez while he was sitting outside of a closed business. Aguilar-Mendez, instead of complying, tried to flee from Kunovich. When other officers got involved, Aguilar-Mendez continued resisting.
Eventually, Kunovich was on the ground in a struggle with Aguilar-Mendez who attempted to grab the officer’s taser off his person. The struggle lasted for more than six minutes. Afterward, Aguilar-Mendez was handcuffed but pulled out a pocketknife, which was quickly taken from him.
Following the struggle with Aguilar-Mendez, Kunovich collapsed on the ground. First responders administered lifesaving measures, but he was pronounced dead after being rushed to a nearby hospital.
{Body camera video shows what happened.}
Tha nappy-headed beotch made it clear where she stands on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Tha nappy-headed beotch made it clear where she stands on the subject.
Clearly she’s biased, although I do have to ask what crime did he commit that the officer knew about? It’s not really clear, and how in the world could the suspect be responsible for the officer having a heart attack later? As a United States citizen, that officer would’ve had no right to violate my rights by searching me without articulating what crime he was suspecting me of.

I suppose, if I deliver a package to someone’s house and have a heart attack after I deliver it, I should sue them?

The officer dying part just looks like an unfortunate case of bad luck.


Legio patria nostra
Clearly she’s biased, although I do have to ask what crime did he commit that the officer knew about? It’s not really clear, and how in the world could the suspect be responsible for the officer having a heart attack later? As a United States citizen, that officer would’ve had no right to violate my rights by searching me without articulating what crime he was suspecting me of.

I suppose, if I deliver a package to someone’s house and have a heart attack after I deliver it, I should sue them?

The officer dying part just looks like an unfortunate case of bad luck.
Perhaps you didn't get to see enough of the bodycam video to make an educated decision?
Where did you get that part about your rights as a United States citizen? I think you are mistaken about about a "pat down" even though home girl used the word "search"...

Your comment about suing after delivering is tangential to this story. The perp is suing.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Perhaps you didn't get to see enough of the bodycam video to make an educated decision?
Where did you get that part about your rights as a United States citizen? I think you are mistaken about about a "pat down" even though home girl used the word "search"...

Your comment about suing after delivering is tangential to this story. The perp is suing.
A “Terry” search is legal. Pat down for weapons.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you didn't get to see enough of the bodycam video to make an educated decision?
Where did you get that part about your rights as a United States citizen? I think you are mistaken about about a "pat down" even though home girl used the word "search"...

Your comment about suing after delivering is tangential to this story. The perp is suing.
I watched the whole thing. I didn’t see any reason in particular. He wasn’t United States citizen, but I don’t know how the cop knew that. My point with the lawsuit was how is it The person’s fault for the cop dying of a heart attack later? Pretty silly in my opinion to charge him with manslaughter when he didn’t do anything to him, the cop was simply doing what he felt was his job.

And perhaps you’re not aware of the laws on stop and frisk or stop and require showing your identification most states have pretty clear laws about these things Florida being one of them.

“Florida courts have long held that “routine pat-down searches based on general concern for officer safety are not constitutionally permitted.” In other words, the police need “objective facts” that support a reasonable suspicion that you are armed and dangerous before they can do an involuntary pat down.”

The issue is a little complicated by the fact that “now” we know he’s illegal.

And on this point, I agree with you he should be deported immediately.


Legio patria nostra
I watched the whole thing. I didn’t see any reason in particular. He wasn’t United States citizen, but I don’t know how the cop knew that. My point with the lawsuit was how is it The person’s fault for the cop dying of a heart attack later? Pretty silly in my opinion to charge him with manslaughter when he didn’t do anything to him, the cop was simply doing what he felt was his job.

And perhaps you’re not aware of the laws on stop and frisk or stop and require showing your identification most states have pretty clear laws about these things Florida being one of them.

“Florida courts have long held that “routine pat-down searches based on general concern for officer safety are not constitutionally permitted.” In other words, the police need “objective facts” that support a reasonable suspicion that you are armed and dangerous before they can do an involuntary pat down.”

The issue is a little complicated by the fact that “now” we know he’s illegal.

And on this point, I agree with you he should be deported immediately.
I'm just saying that there may be more to the story, such as what may have happened before he was stopped, which was mentioned by the officer. That was my first sentence.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying that there may be more to the story, such as what may have happened before he was stopped, which was mentioned by the officer. That was my first sentence.
No doubt I agree with your original premise if the guy wasn’t here in the first place illegally, none of this would be happening. now he’s got a lawyer and using our legal system.

Now it’s complicated,