The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Unfortunately what you want and what might happen can and very well may be vastly different. You cannot let ambiguous language into anything because someone WILL use it to their advantage. Until they clarify what amnesty truly entails it's completely ambiguous and a very real danger. And that's without even bringing up the rest that's been supposedly brought to light in that bill.

When you have a 500 page bill to explain what should be able to be explained in a few paragraphs you have a problem.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
When you have a 500 page bill to explain what should be able to be explained in a few paragraphs you have a problem.
How long is our Teamsters-UPS contract?
Those illegals are gonna have a lotta rights and benefits if the leftists get their way. ;)
They already do. Even prisoners have rights.

Not like UPS Teamsters do. Leftists would love to roll out the red carpet and give illegals the world just as an eff you to folks who aren’t turned on by illegal immigration.

But they're not citizens and non-citizens can't vote in federal elections.

For now. Leftists want it so bad they can taste it. And their kids will be able to vote. If they marry an American they’ll be able to vote.


Well-Known Member
I think we should turn them all into green card workers and tighten up the border. Biden wants at least 2,000 more ICE agents, for example. I think that’s a good start.

I do not think we should carve up our asylum tradition but it definitely needs clarification in law with respect to how to execute these requests. I do not see “remain in Mexico” as the only or the right solution.

But they shouldn’t become citizens and I don’t expect them to.
What's happening at the border has nothing to do with our asylum laws. It's about using loopholes in our asylum laws.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Let's see you craft legislation that's a few paragraphs long and it not get immediately challenged in court.
So you think it should be bloated and a s long as a PhD thesis. Do you even know anyone that has done one of those? I know 3 people and it took them an insanely long time to write them. I'm talking 9 months to probably even a year and a half. . How long has this bill been in the works? So yeah. Even with the legalese in it it's bloated for sure.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Hence the importance of new legislation that clarifies the issue, right?

Oops. Could be bad for Trump for Biden to be at the helm after signing into law something that helps to fix the broken system.

America First!
So fixing loopholes by creating new loopholes with ambiguous language. Are you sure these bill makers aren't former UPS management?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So fixing loopholes by creating new loopholes with ambiguous language. Are you sure these bill makers aren't former UPS management?
Do you want to see the problem get better or not? Seems like a lot of Republicans working on the legislation think that this is shaping up to be a pretty conservative-friendly deal.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Do you want to see the problem get better or not? Seems like a lot of Republicans working on the legislation think that this is shaping up to be a pretty conservative-friendly deal.
So AKA let's be like pelosian we have to pass the bill to see how it works. Smh. You don't fix problems by creating more btw. I want to see the problem fixed sure. But the proper way with the proper language in laws without all the ambiguity and double speak that allows the same loopholes you want fixed.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So AKA let's be like pelosian we have to pass the bill to see how it works. Smh. You don't fix problems by creating more btw. I want to see the problem fixed sure. But the proper way with the proper language in laws without all the ambiguity and double speak that allows the same loopholes you want fixed.
Would you rather be able to see the text of the bill before they potentially torpedo it based solely on Trump’s asking them to kill it?


Well-Known Member
Hence the importance of new legislation that clarifies the issue, right?

Oops. Could be bad for Trump for Biden to be at the helm after signing into law something that helps to fix the broken system.

America First!
Good luck with that. Trump had the border secure. Biden has aided and abetted millions to cross illegally. Yeah, let's see what the voters think.