The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Take a breath. Read my simple point again.

Would you find it acceptable for the Senate GOP to burn a bill based solely on Trump telling them to burn it?
I know you want it put on Trump but there are patriot senators balking at the idea of still letting in 5000 illegals a day. Don't blame them for refusing to go along. And the Biden administration has been lying about the border being secure for three years. And we're suddenly supposed to believe anything they say? This administration has repeatedly lied while at the same time has fought all efforts to stop the flow of illegals.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
How long is our Teamsters-UPS contract?

Just think how short the UPS contract would be if it only covered security for UPS buildings. The bill is suppose to be about 1 thing “boarder security”. There is no way to justify 500 pages to cover border security.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I’m open to the bill going up for a vote and meanwhile the public can see what’s in it. Once they’re done crafting the bill. That’s all.

If it’s thrown in their trash based solely on Trump’s hurt feelings we all suffer. That’s my simple point.


Yah, let's blame all Democratic failures on Trump. Been the case since 2016.

Where have we heard that before…:yawn:

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Now isn't this the same Biden whose administration is yelling Texas to remove part of their border security? Kind of tells me that this bill isn't going to do anything near what needs to be done. My favorite quote is you put your life in peril when you try and cross illegally. Yeah like trying to go through razor wire.


nowhere special
I’m open to the bill going up for a vote and meanwhile the public can see what’s in it. Once they’re done crafting the bill. That’s all.

If it’s thrown in their trash based solely on Trump’s hurt feelings we all suffer. That’s my simple point.
You have to pass it before you can read it.

Sounds kind of familiar.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You have to pass it before you can read it.

Sounds kind of familiar.
Private negotiation on a bill is the only way stuff would ever make it to committee. Of course the people who vote on bills should get a chance to read it, though. That’s why we vote for representatives.


Staff member
So how much would it cost Texas to secede and would they want to if they thought it out? Or if a “Confederacy II” were to happen, how many of the current states “backing Texas” would go along? How long would it take them to build their military, establish a currency, set up international relations, build embassies and form their government? What form of government would they choose?


Well-Known Member
So how much would it cost Texas to secede and would they want to if they thought it out? Or if a “Confederacy II” were to happen, how many of the current states “backing Texas” would go along? How long would it take them to build their military, establish a currency, set up international relations, build embassies and form their government? What form of government would they choose?
So are you saying that it's too difficult to set up your own country so better to just put up with the B.S. violation of the Constitution and our rights? By that yardstick we'd still be subjects of the British Crown.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
If we want it done right the first step is to remove Biden and Mayorkas from office.
So let’s let the absolutely, terrible existential problem fester for at least another 12 months in the hopes King Orange is picked for President? That’s not irresponsible from your point of view?

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
So let’s let the absolutely, terrible existential problem fester for at least another 12 months in the hopes King Orange is picked for President? That’s not irresponsible from your point of view?
No we want it done right not matter what the time frame. Why add more crap that causes more problems. You don't add fuel to a fire you are wanting put out. But your hatred for someone clouds your judgement.


Well-Known Member
So let’s let the absolutely, terrible existential problem fester for at least another 12 months in the hopes King Orange is picked for President? That’s not irresponsible from your point of view?
It's an absolutely terrible, existential problem directly because of the policies of this administration. On what planet does letting in 8 million and counting unvetted illegals in three years go well for anyone? You think fighting to keep the flow going is a good look for this president? If he sends Federal agents or troops down to Eagle Pass to clear out the razor wire the news cameras will be rolling showing the resumption of the flood of immigrants. December saw over 302,000 illegals crossing over, a new record. And that doesn't even count gotaways. And yet y'all sneer at Texas for trying to stop it. Then tell us you're all for a solution to the problem you created and it's those damn Republicans fault we don't have a compromise that'll "only" let in 5000 a day. A lot of chutzpah.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No we want it done right not matter what the time frame. Why add more crap that causes more problems. You don't add fuel to a fire you are wanting put out. But your hatred for someone clouds your judgement.
So let’s let the horrible, awful, world-ending problem continue for over a year until the right legislation will definitely be passed and signed. Instead of taking a win on the problem now. Right. Because the problem is just so terrible we need to wait.

This is dumb.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
So let’s let the horrible, awful, world-ending problem continue for over a year until the right legislation will definitely be passed and signed. Instead of taking a win on the problem now. Right. Because the problem is just so terrible we need to wait.

This is dumb.
no adding more fuel is dumb. how can you call this a win with whats been leaked.


Well-Known Member
So let’s let the horrible, awful, world-ending problem continue for over a year until the right legislation will definitely be passed and signed. Instead of taking a win on the problem now. Right. Because the problem is just so terrible we need to wait.

This is dumb.
With Trump we won't even have to wait for legislation. Executive orders Day 1. Exactly what Biden should be doing but we all know that's not what he and the cabal behind him wants.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
no adding more fuel is dumb. how can you call this a win with whats been leaked.
So if we can cut the problem in half NOW you wouldn’t take that as a win? And then when Trump is definitely voted into office you can go even further, no? Why not take a big win now? Why are so many Trump-supporting Republican Senators behind this deal framework if it sucks so bad?

Take a freaking win, dude.