The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
So shutting down the boarder for Biden is letting 5000 illegals a day in. Biden is holding America hostage until he gets the money before he will do even that. He says he would shut down the boarder if the bill is passed. Biden‘s solution leaves us worse of than Trump ever had on his worse day.

I’m starting to think that Biden hasn't kept his campaign promise of curing cancer because he hasn’t got the price he wants yet.

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Well-Known Member
Asylum is a promise that America has made and is part of what makes us a great country. Nativists don’t agree, I understand that.
There are international rules for asylum. You're supposed to go to the next country over. There have been illegals from 160 countries. Where are all the wars and criminal gangs and horrific natural disasters they're all fleeing from? And why are most of the populations of these countries staying put instead of fleeing also? These are people seeking better economic conditions. They want to send money home. Already documented the maps that NGO's have created showing best access points into the U.S. The administration is using loopholes in the asylum system to get the people in. And allowing terrorists and criminals in at the same time.

And Biden keeps claiming Congress needs to give him the power to fix the situation. Congress already did in 1952. It's the same law that Obama used that gave him the nickname Deporter-in-Chief. It's either ignorance or dishonesty that keeps the Left from admitting this.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Asylum is a promise that America has made and is part of what makes us a great country. Nativists don’t agree, I understand that.
President Biden’s ‘asylum ban’ bars asylum seekers who passed through another country on their way to the southern U.S. border unless they had previously applied for (and been denied) asylum elsewhere or managed to receive an appointment at a port of entry.

Asylum has prerequisites that you choose to ignore.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
President Biden’s ‘asylum ban’ bars asylum seekers who passed through another country on their way to the southern U.S. border unless they had previously applied for (and been denied) asylum elsewhere or managed to receive an appointment at a port of entry.

Asylum has prerequisites that you choose to ignore.
What part of my statement ignored any of what you just posted?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
There are international rules for asylum. You're supposed to go to the next country over. There have been illegals from 160 countries. Where are all the wars and criminal gangs and horrific natural disasters they're all fleeing from? And why are most of the populations of these countries staying put instead of fleeing also? These are people seeking better economic conditions. They want to send money home. Already documented the maps that NGO's have created showing best access points into the U.S. The administration is using loopholes in the asylum system to get the people in. And allowing terrorists and criminals in at the same time.

And Biden keeps claiming Congress needs to give him the power to fix the situation. Congress already did in 1952. It's the same law that Obama used that gave him the nickname Deporter-in-Chief. It's either ignorance or dishonesty that keeps the Left from admitting this.
I made a general statement. I wasn’t arguing for unlimited asylum claims at our border.

You guys are sensitive. Lol


Well-Known Member
There are international rules for asylum. You're supposed to go to the next country over. There have been illegals from 160 countries. Where are all the wars and criminal gangs and horrific natural disasters they're all fleeing from? And why are most of the populations of these countries staying put instead of fleeing also? These are people seeking better economic conditions. They want to send money home. Already documented the maps that NGO's have created showing best access points into the U.S. The administration is using loopholes in the asylum system to get the people in. And allowing terrorists and criminals in at the same time.

And Biden keeps claiming Congress needs to give him the power to fix the situation. Congress already did in 1952. It's the same law that Obama used that gave him the nickname Deporter-in-Chief. It's either ignorance or dishonesty that keeps the Left from admitting this.
The real question is who is paying for them to be transported from Africa and the Middle East to Mexico and then to our border?