The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
So if we can cut the problem in half NOW you wouldn’t take that as a win? And then when Trump is definitely voted into office you can go even further, no? Why not take a big win now? Why are so many Trump-supporting Republican Senators behind this deal framework if it sucks so bad?

Take a freaking win, dude.
not when it adds even more loopholes. and it seems most of those senators are backing off AFTER seeing these loopholes. How can you call adding more bad language a win? its idiotic and deep down you know it. YOU are the one who can't defend whats came out. You call it a big win but how? Because it won't help Trump is my guess. Thats sad man. You would cause more issues JUST because you hate someone. Petty.


Well-Known Member
It's an absolutely terrible, existential problem directly because of the policies of this administration. On what planet does letting in 8 million and counting unvetted illegals in three years go well for anyone? You think fighting to keep the flow going is a good look for this president? If he sends Federal agents or troops down to Eagle Pass to clear out the razor wire the news cameras will be rolling showing the resumption of the flood of immigrants. December saw over 302,000 illegals crossing over, a new record. And that doesn't even count gotaways. And yet y'all sneer at Texas for trying to stop it. Then tell us you're all for a solution to the problem you created and it's those damn Republicans fault we don't have a compromise that'll "only" let in 5000 a day. A lot of chutzpah.
@Next Day Err


Well-Known Member
It's an absolutely terrible, existential problem directly because of the policies of this administration. On what planet does letting in 8 million and counting unvetted illegals in three years go well for anyone? You think fighting to keep the flow going is a good look for this president? If he sends Federal agents or troops down to Eagle Pass to clear out the razor wire the news cameras will be rolling showing the resumption of the flood of immigrants. December saw over 302,000 illegals crossing over, a new record. And that doesn't even count gotaways. And yet y'all sneer at Texas for trying to stop it. Then tell us you're all for a solution to the problem you created and it's those damn Republicans fault we don't have a compromise that'll "only" let in 5000 a day. A lot of chutzpah.
@Next Day Err

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No. but info about whats in it has.
Source please.

I do see this story:


Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Source please.

I do see this story:

Sorry I and @vantexan have posted up them up multiple times. Him more than me. And I posted up how Biden all of a sudden wants it passed to "protect the border" all while treating Texas who IS protecting the border with razor wire.


Well-Known Member
If you believe that the problem is so bad and that legislation to add more border guards or continue the “Wall” and codify into law no amnesty, etc., wouldn’t you want to take that win while you can? Then if Trump is elected you can go for even more restrictions?
You think this bill is going to build more wall? Do you think more border patrol is actually going to be used to keep illegals out? After the last three years, when Biden could've shut down the border at any time, it's too little too late for us to believe this is anything but election year politics.

And that's an odd question to be asking. Don't you believe, after all the uproar by big city mayors, that the problem is so bad?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If you believe that the problem is so bad and that legislation to add more border guards or continue the “Wall” and codify into law no amnesty, etc., wouldn’t you want to take that win while you can? Then if Trump is elected you can go for even more restrictions?
You think this bill is going to build more wall? Do you think more border patrol is actually going to be used to keep illegals out? After the last three years, when Biden could've shut down the border at any time, it's too little too late for us to believe this is anything but election year politics.

Always gotta be careful when negotiating with addicts.


Brown Down

Well-Known Member
You think this bill is going to build more wall? Do you think more border patrol is actually going to be used to keep illegals out? After the last three years, when Biden could've shut down the border at any time, it's too little too late for us to believe this is anything but election year politics.

And that's an odd question to be asking. Don't you believe, after all the uproar by big city mayors, that the problem is so bad?
He can go and take down razor wire but he can't put up more without passing a vague bill. Gmafb. So many delusional people


Strength through joy
I believe the razor wire was erected to keep the Border Patrol agents away from the migrants.
We can't have the mounted units whipping them , again.
GOP Sen. Lankford calls out Rs who oppose border deal, noting they demanded it for $$. “Now it’s interesting a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end they’re like ‘Oh just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
GOP Sen. Lankford calls out Rs who oppose border deal, noting they demanded it for $$. “Now it’s interesting a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end they’re like ‘Oh just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”
It’s absolutely pitiful.