The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How many poor, uneducated citizens of another country is enough?

Brown Down

Well-Known Member

Biden's mostly peaceful illiegals in action...Zero respect for the country they snuck into.

Don't worry they are "net positives" remember?


Strength through joy

  • The Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act passed 274-150 on Thursday
  • 59 Democrats joined Republicans to forward the bill to the senate
150 Democrats voted against this bill.
The Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to ensure that illegal migrants caught driving under the influence can be deported and not allowed back into the U.S.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

  • The Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act passed 274-150 on Thursday
  • 59 Democrats joined Republicans to forward the bill to the senate
150 Democrats voted against this bill.
The Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to ensure that illegal migrants caught driving under the influence can be deported and not allowed back into the U.S.
So 150 Dems are for drunk driving?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
5 illegals kick the :censored2: out of two cops and they're immediately let back out on the street. No surprise that 150 Dems are against deporting illegals driving drunk.
No bail release now in NYC. Apparently holding criminals is racist even for assault.


Strength through joy
Time for some vigilante justice.
I would be very happy if the next time I see their faces, its when they are laying face up in the morgue.


Strength through joy

Since May, Denver has received nearly 40,000 immigrants. Many were reportedly from Venezuela applying for asylum and had “Temporary Protected Status” under a federal program that allows people from certain crisis-hit countries to live and work in the United States. The Biden administration expanded the TPS program to apply to Venezuelans who arrived before Aug. 1, so most of the newer immigrants who arrived in Denver do not qualify.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Here you go Biden, lefties, and libs. They appreciate all you've done. There's gonna be much, more of this...


Strength through joy
A small American city is so desperate for workers it doesn't just want migrants to move there - it will pay them $15,000 to come.
But there's a catch - only newcomers with a job to go to are eligible, so undocumented immigrants without permission to work in the US can't apply.
From when Choose Topeka started to November 2022, only 70 people actually moved to Topeka as part of the incentive program.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!