The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Inordinately Right
It’s interesting that the lead Republican negotiator in the senate is playing the “we think voters are stupid and can’t read” game just like his Democratic counterparts are.

I have no idea why that guy is doubling down on stupid. The republican party in his state already met and voted to officially condemn his actions for pushing this trash bill.

He needs to man up and admit he's wrong.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
I have no idea why that guy is doubling down on stupid. The republican party in his state already met and voted to officially condemn his actions for pushing this trash bill.

He needs to man up and admit he's wrong.
You have a better chance at world peace than a politician admitting they were wrong.
Thanks for helping me with that. I can see you are way more educated than I so can you help me with a few things? Was there only 19 cars and no “border“ crossers or was there 200 vehicles and border crossers? Is the border safe and secure or do we need a bill to solve the unsecure border? Can we tell the difference in a man and a woman and if yes how? Are we still suppose to be upset at George Washington, Andrew Jackson and even Abraham Lincoln to the point we can’t stand to see an image of them… well… unless it is on our money?
Thanks for your help. It is getting so hard to keep changing my beliefs to keep up with what I’m told to believe.
I'm sure there must be pics of the actual huge convoy, right?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I'm sure there must be pics of the actual huge convoy, right?

I’m not sure. I didn’t even know about the convoy until you and @Next Day Err posted news clips from left wing news. At this point I’m trying to figure out who is right. I’ll go with you being right. The article you put up said there was no convoy of trucks. It went on to say there was only 19 cars. It also said there was no “brown” people at the border just the white people that came there from the “fake convoy.” So assuming you are right and there is no problem at the border, why is Biden saying there is and going as far as to say we need a bill passed and billions of dollars to fix a problem that you just proved isn’t there?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
The new bill ends "catch and release".

That alone should excite conservatives on this issue.

It doesn't, because their cult leader wants an issue to run on this year.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The new bill ends "catch and release".

That alone should excite conservatives on this issue.

It doesn't, because their cult leader wants an issue to run on this year.

Guess what… No bill necessary to end catch and release.
So after the 5000th illegal of the day crosses they get tough on number 5001. That sounds like real border security that only someone following their cult leader would understand.
Just watching you and other Democrats almost having an orgasm over this bill is a sign it is a joke.
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Well-Known Member
The new bill ends "catch and release".

That alone should excite conservatives on this issue.

It doesn't, because their cult leader wants an issue to run on this year.
Why is a new bill needed? Biden reversed every executive order Trump issued concerning the border. Just put those back in place. And Congress gave the president the power to control the border and remove illegal aliens in 1952. Everything Biden needs is already there. Trying to put it on Republicans to "fix" the border is just election year politics. And keeping the flow down to 5000 a day isn't fixing anything.


Well-Known Member
It is very simple. We don't need complicated laws.

You go to the front door for immigration. Everything else that involves breaking the laws will end immediately. Deport all illegals.

We can discuss speeding up immigration processing or increasing the number and modify as needed.

We already have "migrant farm workers" program. Don't need for you yahoos telling us we need people to pick our strawberries. We can increase the number from that program.

Is it too hard?


Well-Known Member
The new bill ends "catch and release".

That alone should excite conservatives on this issue.

It doesn't, because their cult leader wants an issue to run on this year.
The new bill ends the Democratic policy of arresting criminals and then putting them right back on the street?!! Oh, wait, you're talking about the border....
The new bill ends "catch and release".
no it does not

catch and release is a constitutional issue because detention can't last over 20 days if children are part of the equation (which they will be), so even ending C&R just means we detain tens of thousands of people for 20 days then we release them anways

ultimately, if you can get a work permit or birthright citizenship or chain-citizenship, any solution is worthless


Well-Known Member
Gonna need immigration as our society continues to age like Europe, Japan and China to remain competitive. That’s just one aspect.
Did you see the illegals kicking the :censored2: out of the NYC cops? LEGAL immigration puts it on applicants to apply at their local U.S. embassy. Their background is checked. Their health is checked. And then they wait in line for their opportunity. They come to the U.S. on the appropriate visa or "green card". They get jobs and live here the required amount of time keeping out of trouble. They have to pass a test demonstrating their knowledge of the U.S. Then they get the privilege of taking an oath and being sworn in as citizens.

Compare that with just letting millions a year come in unchecked. Criminals, terrorists, unhealthy, who knows who. And y'all are cheering this on as if it makes perfect sense.

Do it legal. And if artificial intelligence and robotics develop to the point that a lot of jobs are eliminated what do we do with millions of people we let in along with the millions of our own citizens who are displaced?


Inordinately Right
The new bill ends "catch and release".

That alone should excite conservatives on this issue.
No it doesn't.
Facts matter friend.



Well-Known Member
What would our Radical Right friends wish to see in an immigration bill?

If one were to read beyond what has been posted of a section of the bill, one could see that it does call for removal, and expedited proceedings.


Well-Known Member
What would our Radical Right friends wish to see in an immigration bill?

If one were to read beyond what has been posted of a section of the bill, one could see that it does call for removal, and expedited proceedings.
Can we shut down immigration for 2 years while sorting things out? See my above post number 1609. It is commonsense and sensible.

As a country we will always welcome immigration done right!


Well-Known Member
What would our Radical Right friends wish to see in an immigration bill?

If one were to read beyond what has been posted of a section of the bill, one could see that it does call for removal, and expedited proceedings.
Again, all the authority needed to secure the border and remove illegal immigrants was given to the president by Congress in 1952. Democrats are aware of this. It was the same law Obama used that earned him the nickname Deporter-in-Chief.

The new bill is a compromise to get Ukraine funding in exchange for allowing up to 5000 illegal immigrants to enter a day. It calls for removing illegals above that number. This is just a cynical attempt to flood the country with an overwhelming number of immigrants in a short time and change the balance of power in the Democrats favor.


nowhere special
Again, all the authority needed to secure the border and remove illegal immigrants was given to the president by Congress in 1952. Democrats are aware of this. It was the same law Obama used that earned him the nickname Deporter-in-Chief.

The new bill is a compromise to get Ukraine funding in exchange for allowing up to 5000 illegal immigrants to enter a day. It calls for removing illegals above that number. This is just a cynical attempt to flood the country with an overwhelming number of immigrants in a short time and change the balance of power in the Democrats favor.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
What would our Radical Right friends wish to see in an immigration bill?

I know it’s Radical but maybe not letting anyone just crash the border without vetting. I think it is called legal immigration and I think that’s how it was always suppose to be but somehow that is now “Radical”.
Why is enforcing our laws now “Radical“ to Democrats?