The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
I looked at your pro Biden link. It's false. We've let in a lot more than it states. The Biden administration has transported them all over the country, putting huge burdens on municipalities. The actions he has taken? They were primarily to reverse Trump policies. And his administration has done everything short of sending Federal troops to try and stop Texas from stopping crossings.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“House Republicans oppose the Senate immigration bill because it fails in every policy area needed to secure our border and would actually incentivize more illegal immigration.

Among its many flaws, the bill expands work authorizations for illegal aliens while failing to include critical asylum reforms. Even worse, its language allowing illegals to be ‘released from physical custody’ would effectively endorse the Biden ‘catch and release’ policy.

The so-called ‘shutdown’ authority in the bill is anything but, riddled with loopholes that grant far too much discretionary authority to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – who has proven he will exploit every measure possible, in defiance of the law, to keep the border open.

The bill also fails to adequately stop the President’s abuse of parole authority and provides for taxpayer funds to fly and house illegal immigrants in hotels through the FEMA Shelter and Services Program.

Because President Biden has refused to utilize his broad executive authority to end the border catastrophe that he has created, the House led nine months ago with the passage of the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2). That bill contains the necessary components to actually stem the flow of illegals and end the present crisis. The Senate must take it up immediately.

America’s sovereignty is at stake.

Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time. It is DEAD on arrival in the House. We encourage the U.S. Senate to reject it.”
And that’s that.

Seems quite possible that Democrats are trying to lure Republicans into helping pass an immigration bill that they know won't work so the illegal immigration that turns Democrats on so much will continue and the Republicans will share the blame for it going into the election.
Seems quite possible that Democrats are trying to lure Republicans into helping pass an immigration bill that they know won't work so the illegal immigration that turns Democrats on so much will continue and the Republicans will share the blame for it going into the election.
Virtually everything the gop wanted is in the bill. Also Johnson is lying when he says it won't get through the House.
"House Republican leadership is bluffing. They’re saying the bill won’t receive a vote in the House to try to undercut it in the Senate. If the Senate passes the bill with bipartisan support, there are ways to get it to the House floor, where it will have majority support."

William Kristol
It also provides free lawyers for those illegals.
wrong as usual

Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews.
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Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) disagreed with those who say a better deal could be made if/when Republicans both take the White House and control Congress, saying “There’s absolutely no way that we would get the kind of border policy that’s been talked about right now with a Republican majority in the Senate, unless we get a 60-vote majority, which isn’t going to happen. This is a unique moment in time.”
So if an American of Irish ancestry married a full blooded Sioux woman by your standard their children, being only of 50% European ancestry, aren't really worthy of U.S. citizenship?
technically speaking we conquered the Sioux so that would qualify as American; if you really want to push it then yeah i'd say kick them the :censored2: out to Canada

Should we rescind citizenship for blacks, Asians, and Native Americans? Whites only?
don't threaten me with a good time

I'll agree that homogenous societies tend to have the most internally peaceful, safe societies. But that genie is out of the bottle in the U.S. and has been for a long time.
if something can be done it can be undone, you only lack the imagination and will to see it


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Can someone explain to me why the Democrats on BC keep telling us this bill has what the GOP wants and it will be a win for the republicans, yet they are the ones foaming at the mouth wanting this to pass? You guys are hilarious! Do you even believe your BS?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Can someone explain to me why the Democrats on BC keep telling us this bill has what the GOP wants and it will be a win for the republicans, yet they are the ones foaming at the mouth wanting this to pass? You guys are hilarious! Do you even believe your BS?
It’s a hive mind.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why the Democrats on BC keep telling us this bill has what the GOP wants and it will be a win for the republicans, yet they are the ones foaming at the mouth wanting this to pass? You guys are hilarious! Do you even believe your BS?
Unfortunately some on here do believe their own BS is quite hilarious.


Well-Known Member
technically speaking we conquered the Sioux so that would qualify as American; if you really want to push it then yeah i'd say kick them the :censored2: out to Canada

don't threaten me with a good time

if something can be done it can be undone, you only lack the imagination and will to see it
No, they're every bit as much an American as you are. The U.S. isn't reserved for white people.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why the Democrats on BC keep telling us this bill has what the GOP wants and it will be a win for the republicans, yet they are the ones foaming at the mouth wanting this to pass? You guys are hilarious! Do you even believe your BS?
I’m not foaming at the mouth for it to pass so much as I’m astonished at the depths of cynicism about the whole fiasco.

Go ahead, let the bill die. Biden can spend tens of millions in swing states calling out the GOP for flushing an opportunity to get what they say they’ve been wanting.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I’m not foaming at the mouth for it to pass so much as I’m astonished at the depths of cynicism about the whole fiasco.

Go ahead, let the bill die. Biden can spend tens of millions in swing states calling out the GOP for flushing an opportunity to get what they say they’ve been wanting.

If what you are saying is true then this looks like it would be a win for the Democrats for the bill to not pass. The Democrats put up a great bill and all because of Trump and his pressure it doesn’t pass. Then going into the election the people will remember this great bill that the Democrats wanted but Trump stopped it. This on top of Trump’s 10,000 lies, 91 indictments, caused an insurrection and his racist attitude how can any Democrat want this to pass. Come on man! You got this election in the bag with this one. Don’t get in the way and let the Republicans have a win.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
If what you are saying is true then this looks like it would be a win for the Democrats for the bill to not pass. The Democrats put up a great bill and all because of Trump and his pressure it doesn’t pass. Then going into the election the people will remember this great bill that the Democrats wanted but Trump stopped it. This on top of Trump’s 10,000 lies, 91 indictments, caused an insurrection and his racist attitude how can any Democrat want this to pass. Come on man! You got this election in the bag with this one. Don’t get in the way and let the Republicans have a win.
I think the Dems are going to win on this issue. And abortion.