The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Well-Known Member
It's derogatory to blacks who sell-out their own race. Please explain to me how it's racist to call-out a racist political party that uses it's very few minority members to claim it is diverse and welcoming to them?

The Republicans do everything in their power to make sure blacks don't vote. That would be racist.

what racist explanation would you like to use for this musical artist?

'Make America Great Again' Grammy dress is about love, but the Internet's not buying it


Well-Known Member
I have seen polls showing 40% of Americans favor impeachment. A President's poll ratings are traditionally highest right after being elected, we are 3 weeks in and his are already in the toilet. And when people realize that the GOP never did have an affordable health care option to replace the ACA with, it will only get worse for him. He is an embarrassment to the USA and millstone around the neck of the GOP and they probably already have a plan in place to impeach or impose the 25th Amendment on him if he keeps behaving like an ass clown. Which he will. Trump was just a tool to get Pence in the door and they will cut him loose as soon as they can.

44 percent of all voters believe the liberals are the biggest cry babies the world has ever seen. could you guys stop crying , man up , accept the election results and stop embarrassing yourselves?


Well-Known Member
How can anyone believe any polls anymore after the election boondoggle we just went through.

Maybe the mistake was believing in them in the first place!

I heard a fascinating discussion about a month after the election in which the political scientists on the panel were discussing the possibility that the electorate was not just lying to pollsters but were no longer taking the polls into consideration when thinking about who they would vote for. They went on to suggest this might be why the polls were so wrong. Interesting discussion to say the least.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
44 percent of all voters believe the liberals are the biggest cry babies the world has ever seen. could you guys stop crying , man up , accept the election results and stop embarrassing yourselves?
I'm not crying.
I accept the fact that he won enough electoral votes to be President.
But it is also apparent to me that he is utterly incompetent as well as morally unfit to do the job he was elected to do.
My side had had to spend the last 8 years listening to your side babble about birth certificates and Benghazi and emails and whether or not Obama was a Muslim. Your side wrote the book on how to be a crybaby, so you cant get butt hurt now that the shoe is on the other foot.


Strength through joy

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.


Inordinately Right
Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government

Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.


Well-Known Member
I'm not crying.
I accept the fact that he won enough electoral votes to be President.
But it is also apparent to me that he is utterly incompetent as well as morally unfit to do the job he was elected to do.
My side had had to spend the last 8 years listening to your side babble about birth certificates and Benghazi and emails and whether or not Obama was a Muslim. Your side wrote the book on how to be a crybaby, so you cant get butt hurt now that the shoe is on the other foot.

you know if we can proclaiming slights from the last administration as justification to slam the current administration then nothing will ever get better. every president deserves a honeymoon regardless of what you think of him.


Well-Known Member
you know if we can proclaiming slights from the last administration as justification to slam the current administration then nothing will ever get better. every president deserves a honeymoon regardless of what you think of him.

A Russian honeymoon?


Strength through joy
They have a Doomsday clock set at a certain time .
So where is the impeachment clock set at ?
Is it years , months , days or seconds ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
One of the most critical elements of knowing when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. Trump simply lacks the capacity to remain silent on critical issues or to distinguish what is good for his ego from what is good for the nation he is supposed to lead. Imagine what the Cuban missile crisis would have been like with Trump in charge, Twittering his anger and outrage over every perceived slight. This isnt a game show any more, its real life and the launch codes for 2500 very real nuclear weapons are now in the tiny hands of an egomaniac who has no humilty, no ability to accept advice, and absolutely no ability to avoid taking everything personally.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
They have a Doomsday clock set at a certain time .
So where is the impeachment clock set at ?
Is it years , months , days or seconds ?
Impeachment will happen when the GOP wants it to happen.
Logically, this would be either (a) very soon, so that they have time to thoroughly wash their hands of him before the 2018 midterm elections or (b) immediately after the midterms so that he does not jeapordize their chances of keeping the White House in 2020.
The trick for the GOP will be to extract the maximum value out of his time in the White House while avoiding as much blowback as possible when he inevitably self-destructs.


Engorged Member

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

Lies, alternative facts, Breitfart. Get my shovel.