The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Well-Known Member
That's the "Uncle Tom Gallery". The entire black Republican voter base. I didn't know Sean Hannity was a black man. Wow.

I knew I could post this and get my impulsive liberal friend to use the racist term uncle tom. I thank you for your participation. another reason why the republicans are cleaning your clock. you liberals have forgotten what you stand for.


Well-Known Member
I knew I could post this and get my impulsive liberal friend to use the racist term uncle tom. I thank you for your participation. another reason why the republicans are cleaning your clock. you liberals have forgotten what you stand for.
Maybe you should research where the " uncle Tom " term came from.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should research where the " uncle Tom " term came from.

your response is a typical liberal one. I've heard a similar effort when a white supremacist tries to defend the use of the N word by referring to its origin.

the fact is that liberals think they somehow control the concept of racism and can be immune to being racist . your response mirrors that.

the term Uncle Tom is specifically derogatory to a person of color as such it is clearly racist.


Engorged Member
I knew I could post this and get my impulsive liberal friend to use the racist term uncle tom. I thank you for your participation. another reason why the republicans are cleaning your clock. you liberals have forgotten what you stand for.

These people are all probably Uncle Toms, most notably Clarence Thomas. The Republicans love to have black party members, of which there are very few, so they can make the false claim they are "diverse", when, in fact, the opposite is true.

The Larry Elders and Colonel Wests of this world make good money by being stooges for a party that is anything but welcoming to blacks, except the Uncle Tom variety.


Engorged Member
your response is a typical liberal one. I've heard a similar effort when a white supremacist tries to defend the use of the N word by referring to its origin.

the fact is that liberals think they somehow control the concept of racism and can be immune to being racist . your response mirrors that.

the term Uncle Tom is specifically derogatory to a person of color as such it is clearly racist.

It's derogatory to blacks who sell-out their own race. Please explain to me how it's racist to call-out a racist political party that uses it's very few minority members to claim it is diverse and welcoming to them?

The Republicans do everything in their power to make sure blacks don't vote. That would be racist.


Well-Known Member
It's derogatory to blacks who sell-out their own race. Please explain to me how it's racist to call-out a racist political party that uses it's very few minority members to claim it is diverse and welcoming to them?

The Republicans do everything in their power to make sure blacks don't vote. That would be racist.

And the democrats do everything to marginalize the so-called "Black Vote". Some are calling them out for it too.

Throw Off the Dead Weight of the Democratic Party


Well-Known Member
These people are all probably Uncle Toms, most notably Clarence Thomas. The Republicans love to have black party members, of which there are very few, so they can make the false claim they are "diverse", when, in fact, the opposite is true.

The Larry Elders and Colonel Wests of this world make good money by being stooges for a party that is anything but welcoming to blacks, except the Uncle Tom variety.

sounds like a polite way to accuse them of being uncle toms . your racist views have been noted.


Well-Known Member
It's derogatory to blacks who sell-out their own race. Please explain to me how it's racist to call-out a racist political party that uses it's very few minority members to claim it is diverse and welcoming to them?

The Republicans do everything in their power to make sure blacks don't vote. That would be racist.

same thing I used to hear from the white nationalist alibi'ing the use of the N Word. you are no better then any KKK member with that argument.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
similar was said about his getting the republican nomination and getting elected president.

That was then, this is now.
His ethical shortcomings and total incompetence are already derailing his presidency. He has zero chance of getting re elected.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That was then, this is now.
His ethical shortcomings and total incompetence are already derailing his presidency. He has zero chance of getting re elected.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Trump has a strong propaganda machine. In 2 years he will start telling everyone how great he's made things regardless of reality.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Trump has a strong propaganda machine. In 2 years he will start telling everyone how great he's made things regardless of reality.
I have seen polls showing 40% of Americans favor impeachment. A President's poll ratings are traditionally highest right after being elected, we are 3 weeks in and his are already in the toilet. And when people realize that the GOP never did have an affordable health care option to replace the ACA with, it will only get worse for him. He is an embarrassment to the USA and millstone around the neck of the GOP and they probably already have a plan in place to impeach or impose the 25th Amendment on him if he keeps behaving like an ass clown. Which he will. Trump was just a tool to get Pence in the door and they will cut him loose as soon as they can.


Engorged Member
I have seen polls showing 40% of Americans favor impeachment. A President's poll ratings are traditionally highest right after being elected, we are 3 weeks in and his are already in the toilet. And when people realize that the GOP never did have an affordable health care option to replace the ACA with, it will only get worse for him. He is an embarrassment to the USA and millstone around the neck of the GOP and they probably already have a plan in place to impeach or impose the 25th Amendment on him if he keeps behaving like an ass clown. Which he will. Trump was just a tool to get Pence in the door and they will cut him loose as soon as they can.

The world is laughing at us.