The countdown to Trump Impeachment

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Dos vedanya Mr Flynn. Anyone actually think Flynn was acting on his own when he colluded with Russia before taking office or during the campaign? Will republicans show some spine and investigate?


Well-Known Member
One of the most critical elements of knowing when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. Trump simply lacks the capacity to remain silent on critical issues or to distinguish what is good for his ego from what is good for the nation he is supposed to lead. Imagine what the Cuban missile crisis would have been like with Trump in charge, Twittering his anger and outrage over every perceived slight. This isnt a game show any more, its real life and the launch codes for 2500 very real nuclear weapons are now in the tiny hands of an egomaniac who has no humilty, no ability to accept advice, and absolutely no ability to avoid taking everything personally.

we've had a lot of leaders in the past who understood diplomacy but were totally incompetent at running the country. Obama the latest.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Doubt it. Maybe Trump should have done some more extreme vetting of his cabinet picks.
It's the second person that had to resign due to Russian ties. Manafort had to resign as campaign manager and now Flynn. How do republicans not call for an investigation? What outweighs knowing what foreign influence has infiltrated the highest levels of our government?


Well-Known Member
You call the past three weeks "winning"?!
I didn't realize I was only allowed to answer to the last three weeks when discussing the tremendous Odds that Trump has overcome to win so many times.

I am awere the president is an outsider who has the liberal democrats refusing to give him a honeymoon , an old guard rino contingent that looks to stick the knife every chance they get ,a hostile press that takes every minor issue and tries to create a scandal and a loud vocal snowflake contingent that cries because they no longer have a president that soothes them with nice words while being totally incompetent.

I realize that under these conditions I am supposed to view Trumps term as a complete failure but the fact remains that he has taken significant steps to act on his promises , promises that I am confident will make this country better. Along the way I am sure he will have to toughen up a few snowflakes to get us where we need to go.


Well-Known Member
It's the second person that had to resign due to Russian ties. Manafort had to resign as campaign manager and now Flynn. How do republicans not call for an investigation? What outweighs knowing what foreign influence has infiltrated the highest levels of our government?

Its always a pleasure to see a republican take power and watch the democrats suddenly rediscover a love for ethics after years of cover ups, DNC election rigging , Clinton pay for play etc.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged Moscow to give him "space" until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.
What's the point here? Obama was the president at the time. He would be expected to talk with foreign leaders. Underlings in a presedential campaign should not be talking with foreign governments before taking office.


Well-Known Member
What's the point here? Obama was the president at the time. He would be expected to talk with foreign leaders. Underlings in a presedential campaign should not be talking with foreign governments before taking office.

The point would be that it is very common for officials from incoming administrations to speak with government officials as to their positions on issues in the future. Unless of course you have a liberal media witch hunt attacking your guys. then it is rephrased as a private citizen having an unauthorized conversation with a foreign ambassador.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The point would be that it is very common for officials from incoming administrations to speak with government officials as to their positions on issues in the future. Unless of course you have a liberal media witch hunt attacking your guys. then it is rephrased as a private citizen having an unauthorized conversation with a foreign ambassador.
The article was from 2012. Obama was the current president. Do you really not understand the difference?


Strength through joy
All I know is that some top secret reports about certain meetings were given directly to reporters .
That in itself is an illegal act and a criminal investigation is warranted .
Those found liable along with anyone else involved should expect to have their names dragged thru the mud and get their day in court . So that it is on the public record . For all to see.