
Inordinately Right
The idea that it’s good police work to kneel on a man’s neck for over 9 minutes as he begs for his life, tells you he feels like he can’t breath and is dying, and as the cop continues to kneel on his neck the man passes out and dies, is a distorted viewpoint. only racism can make that horror right and ok in the minds of bigots.
This is a murder trial not a trial about if it was good police work. George Floyd overdosed.


Inordinately Right
It is really unbelievable that any reasonable person can think what happened to a man in HANDCUFFS on the ground is okay..just because they are so racist!

If a policeman is in danger, I give them all of the latitude in the world to protect themselves!

He was on the ground and in handcuffs! I literally hate any clown who thinks it is okay to kill him..and will fight any a-hole to protect him!
He overdosed.


Well-Known Member
Chauvin is heard on video telling him to get in the car while he has his knee on Floyd's neck. How the * is Floyd going to get in the car on his own at that point?
Again your interpretation of events. FAIK Chauvin was saying this will stop when Floyd stops resisting and agrees to get in the car.


Inordinately Right
A good cop would have let up as soon as floyd was subdued, under control and put him in the squad car. A dirty piece of * human being keeps kneeling on his neck untill Floyd is unconscious, lifeless, with no pulse.
This is a murder trial not a trial about if he was a good cop. George Floyd overdosed.

El Correcto

god is dead
Again your interpretation of events. FAIK Chauvin was saying this will stop when Floyd stops resisting and agrees to get in the car.
Well that’s just unreasonable of the police officers George Floyd clearly requested not to go to jail. They should of just let him go like they do the child traffickers at the border.


Inordinately Right
Do you really believe the cops handled the situation correctly and given the opportunity they would do the same thing again? Chauvin maybe but the other 3 cops no. They would have stopped the execution.
This is a murder trial not a trial about if the cop handled the situation correctly. George Floyd overdosed.
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Well-Known Member
Chauvin is a murderer.
I hate to say it but once again a black dies after refusing to comply with lawful orders. His manner of death is up for debate, but as has happened numerous times before, he would probably(although in his case with drugs in his system who knows?)be alive if he had just complied with lawful orders. The police had every right to arrest him after he tried to pass a counterfeit bill.