El Correcto

god is dead
In that picture:


Have you ever seen an opiate overdose?
I have, my neighbor was laying on his living room floor convulsing slightly as he struggled for air and his lips turned a pale blue.

Maybe Floyd was experience convulsions, the officers took that as him being responsive and thought he was still trying to resist.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen an opiate overdose?
I have, my neighbor was laying on his living room floor convulsing slightly as he struggled for air and his lips turned a pale blue.

Maybe Floyd was experience convulsions, the officers took that as him being responsive and thought he was still trying to resist.
Another of your stories?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The 8-9 minute knee on the neck was *ing disgusting. But it might also be true that Floyd didn't die because of it. He was already drugged up before police arrived and he swallowed the rest of his meth and fentanyl to hide it from them as they were approaching.
You're getting warmer .

El Correcto

god is dead
I think the defense will be able to introduce plenty of reasonable doubt.
It’s because doubting Chauvin killed Floyd is the reasonable thing. Believing Chauvin is part of the leftist systemic racism conspiracy against blacks and choked the life out of George Floyd because he treats black people brutally is very unreasonable.


Well-Known Member
Especially given the charges. Whoops.
All up to the jury. If they want someone to pay, if they're concerned about the explosion of anger outside that might affect their safety or cause riots, they're probably going to convict no matter what the evidence says.

El Correcto

god is dead
Another of your stories?
Yes, this time the only thing I can do to prove I have lots of second hand experience with heroin is post my brother’s methadone bottle.

The guy that OD’d was his childhood friend who took over his mom’s house when she moved out for her new husband/boyfriend. He is a big guy and his girlfriend came looking for a cellphone and someone to help roll him over off his back.

El Correcto

god is dead
I didn’t stick around for the conclusion of the incident, but he survived being ghost white and blue lipped. I’m assuming the EMTs had naxolone since we called and told them it was a heroin overdose.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen an opiate overdose?
I have, my neighbor was laying on his living room floor convulsing slightly as he struggled for air and his lips turned a pale blue.

Maybe Floyd was experience convulsions, the officers took that as him being responsive and thought he was still trying to resist.
Another Cool Story bro.😎


Well-Known Member
It’s one of the reason I don’t believe Chauvin was applying a lot of force to Floyd’s neck. He was thinking what are these dumb *s thinking.

Look at his shoulders in this photo it clearly shows his weight shifted towards the knee not on Floyd’s neck.
View attachment 333058

It just doesn’t look like the right angle to strangle someone to death, it doesn’t look like he is trying to throw his body weight into the neck or you would see the shoulder above the neck dipped.
Hes already in cuffs. Its definitely excessive force and he died weather he died because of excessive force or drugs we let a jury decide. People going to be angry on both sides. He probably does a couple years but less then ten. My guess.

El Correcto

god is dead
When I look at this picture I see cops restraining a dude with armed robbery on his record who refused a peaceful and lawful detainment by law enforcement experiencing drug related problems from fentanyl.

When a leftist looks at this picture they see how truly racist and horrible america is. They focus on the skin color and they project the sins of America’s past on Chauvin.


Well-Known Member
When I look at this picture I see cops restraining a dude with armed robbery on his record experiencing drug related problems from fentanyl.

When a leftist looks at this picture they see how truly racist and horrible america is. They focus on the skin color and they project the sins of America’s past on Chauvin.
Did Chauvin know what his record was? Did Chauvin know if he ingested any drugs? I doubt he knew neither. And even if he did it doesn't excuse Chauvin for using excessive force after Floyd was subdued.

El Correcto

god is dead
Did Chauvin know what his record was? Did Chauvin know if he ingested any drugs? I doubt he knew neither. And even if he did it doesn't excuse Chauvin for using excessive force after Floyd was subdued.
They certainly didn’t know Floyd had ingested drugs. The way the responding officer approached Floyd I do believe he knew Floyd’s record. He walked up on high alert gun drawn, not sure why he would do that to anyone beside a felon who had prior gun charges.


Well-Known Member
When I look at this picture I see cops restraining a dude with armed robbery on his record who refused a peaceful and lawful detainment by law enforcement experiencing drug related problems from fentanyl.

When a leftist looks at this picture they see how truly racist and horrible america is. They focus on the skin color and they project the sins of America’s past on Chauvin.
I see a policeman who has a man on the ground in handcuffs that claims he can’t breathe and that policeman is too stupid to take his knee off of his neck.

I don’t care what color either of them are! A lot of you are so quick to defend Chauvin because you seem to make it a black against white issue.

If it were the other way around and a black policeman had his knee on a repeat criminal white man..would you still think it was justified. I think it is criminally wrong in either case.


Well-Known Member
They certainly didn’t know Floyd had ingested drugs. The way the responding officer approached Floyd I do believe he knew Floyd’s record. He walked up on high alert gun drawn, not sure why he would do that to anyone beside a felon who had prior gun charges.
Not sure why? C'mon man. Chauvin is one of those dick head officers that loves to pull out his gun because it makes him feel big and bad.