
Bad Moon Risen'
You're still hung up on the flag thing? Being draped in a flag gives zero indication of someone's intentions during a violent riot or attack.

She was wearing a backpack that could have been full of explosives or other harmful substances. The cop 100% did the right thing to ensure sheltering members of Congress were protected. And I'd say that 100% of the time, regardless of the race or political ideology of the person who is shot.
Being draped in the flag shows disrespect to it. May as well kneel during the anthem.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
last time i tried i got across my confused liberal friend.
Not what you've said in the past.
quote me all knowing liberal.

Immigration | Current Events



I'm a star
Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

I have no sympathy for her.

Yep, she totally should have been arrested for what she did. The fact that people are ok with the manner in which she was shot to death and the fact that you seem to think that simply the act of committing a crime (playing stupid games) is where the bar should be set for justifiable homicide is what has me concerned.

Let's have a standard here. In Bobbit's case, the gun shot wound is clearly what caused her death. Did it meet the standard for justifiable homicide? Hard to tell without an investigation and possibly a trial. In Chauvin's case, it was never that clear (regardless of what supreme court justice Chelsea Handler says) that Chauvin caused Floyd's death, but he was investigated and is being tried.

Sure, the Coroner "determined" the death was a homicide, in spite of all of his own findings indicating no causal connection between Chauvin's actions and Floyd's death. Sort of like all the scientists whose own studies showed no evidence that masks slow the spread of respiratory illness causing viruses, yet they recommend mask use anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yep, she totally should have been arrested for what she did. The fact that people are ok with the manner in which she was shot to death and the fact that you seem to think that simply the act of committing a crime (playing stupid games) is where the bar should be set for justifiable homicide is what has me concerned.

Let's have a standard here. In Bobbit's case, the gun shot wound is clearly what caused her death. Did it meet the standard for justifiable homicide? Hard to tell without an investigation and possibly a trial. In Chauvin's case, it was never that clear (regardless of what supreme court justice Chelsea Handler says) that Chauvin caused Floyd's death, but he was investigated and is being tried.

Sure, the Coroner "determined" the death was a homicide, in spite of all of his own findings indicating no causal connection between Chauvin's actions and Floyd's death. Sort of like all the scientists whose own studies showed no evidence that masks slow the spread of respiratory illness causing viruses, yet they recommend mask use anyway.
they should have shot her in the legs terminator 2 style. dont need to kill a conservative revolutionary.


I'm a star
Not at all. This was a Capitol Police officer defending sheltering members of Congress during an ongoing violent riot inside the Capitol Building.

In your mind, does the fact that the officer was protecting Congress people change the circumstances and standards used for justifiable homicide? If so, what is so special about Congress people that we can throw out the entire rule of law to protect them? I mean, come on, everyone agrees that approximately half of all Congress people are subhuman anyway, amirite?