Poop Head

Judge me.
In your mind, does the fact that the officer was protecting Congress people change the circumstances and standards used for justifiable homicide? If so, what is so special about Congress people that we can throw out the entire rule of law to protect them? I mean, come on, everyone agrees that approximately half of all Congress people are subhuman anyway, amirite?
It was probably part of the plan for that day, if anyone crosses this threshold, shoot to kill.


Legio patria nostra
You were just referring to a stick of dynamite and a lighter to try and discredit my thoughts on easily trigger-able modern explosive devices that could fit in a backpack. You must either be older than @rod or fresh out of a third-world mining or railroad track laying gig.
You truly are clueless.
Keep watching CNN “pacifist warrior”...

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I think you are asking that because the charges require some amount of intentionality. I absolutely agree that Chauvin has been overcharged, thanks to the mob. At worst he is guilty excessive force, and maybe involuntary manslaughter.
No, who wanted Floyd to survive? Remove him from the gene pool.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
But it wasn't and you went there anyways. "If that had been a black guy he would've gotten it much worse than she did!"

As I said, she brought it upon herself. But as that side had not fired any guns, let alone to my knowledge even presented them, killing her was a bit extreme. Telling though that @bottomups and @It will be fine are perfectly fine with protecting their Democrat leadership by killing with guns, but think homeowners protecting their families have no right to a gun. Heaven help them if they.shoot a black guy because not only are they gun nuts but now they're racist gun nuts.
If she was warned, she caused her own death. I realize she doesn’t look Palestinian, but a backpack is a good place to hide a bomb.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
and shot an unarmed citizen draped in a flag because as you phrased it he didnt know if she had a weapon or what her intentions were. so he shot and killed her just in case she had a weapon or just in case she had bad intentions neither of which she displayed.
Are YOU a mind reader?


nowhere special
Most of the prosecution witnesses were looking back on the events with hindsight. It was a lot different in the confusion when it was all happening. And most of the witnesses stated their opinions but left huge holes the defense can dance through.


Well-Known Member
You're still hung up on the flag thing? Being draped in a flag gives zero indication of someone's intentions during a violent riot or attack.

She was wearing a backpack that could have been full of explosives or other harmful substances. The cop 100% did the right thing to ensure sheltering members of Congress were protected. And I'd say that 100% of the time, regardless of the race or political ideology of the person who is shot.
and by your explanation i can shoot and kill you if you wear a back pack and I determine you may be a threat to someone. anyone .

you do realize the murdering cop would not have seen the back pack since she was draped in a flag and he shot her from the front?
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Well-Known Member
Likely doesn't take much to trigger a backpack pipe bomb or other explosive device here in 2021, grandpa.

in leau of the abscence of an actual weapon the liberal murderer had to fabricate another reason to kill an unarmed woman draped in a flag.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
and by your explanation i can shoot and kill you if you wear a back pack and I determine you may be a threat to someone. anyone .

Sure, if I’m part of a violent mob that’s trying to get to the Vice President and members of Congress.

you do realize the murdering cop would not have seen the back pack since she was draped in a flag and he shot her from the front?

The cop was on the opposite side of the hallway looking from the side. He could see it. And your “draped in a flag" excuse/reasoning is still weird and irrelevant.



Poop Head

Judge me.
and by your explanation i can shoot and kill you if you wear a back pack and I determine you may be a threat to someone. anyone .

you do realize the murdering cop would not have seen the back pack since she was draped in a flag and he shot her from the front?
My opinion, everyone of them shoulda been dealt with using up to and including lethal force long before they got to those doors where that woman got shot.

*i also think they shoulda rolled through Portland and Minneapolis with trucks mounted with miniguns and mowed people down to set an example