
Retired 23 years
Let's get this trial over and proceed with the ceremony where they give out the medals to those cops for getting rid of another POS off the street.


Well-Known Member

We all know Chauvin didn’t kill that doped up criminal high as a kite on fentanyl and meth. Literally dropping drug baggies in the video footage of him resisting arrest and repeatedly refusing to comply with officers which the media of course edited out similar to Covington catholic boys and the black Israelites.

Will this court follow in the example set by the scotus in it’s refusal to enforce the laws of this nation when confronted by a marxist mob and propaganda? Will we have to witness Chauvin be lynched in the name of unity?
this is a prime example of social movements working. there wouldve never been justice if it werent for ppl in teh streets putting hte fear of god into those with the power.

our history books trick us into believing we are powerless. when we rise up together we are more powerful than anyone.

so having a knee on your neck wont cause you to suffocate?

cops are out of control in america. they frequently have more power than governments. i think the fbi did a report on the number of white supremacists in police depts.


Inordinately Right


Strength through joy
The Floyd family lawyer has warned the family ( who will have a member sitting in the court room everyday ) that they will have to listen to multiple character assassinations made against the deceased repeatedly.