
I'm a star
Not the same. The defense will try to make this the George Floyd trial not the Derek Chauvin trial.

The defense has a duty to represent their client. If they have to tell the truth about Floyd's actions and history, then that's what they have to do. It's not like Chauvin had much hope of a fair trial to begin with. But you seem to think there's a possibility he won't be convicted, otherwise it wouldn't matter what the defense did or said.


Well-Known Member
This is how strong racism is, you have republicans who say they fear a big tyrannical government taking away their freedom, but there is no greater freedom than your life, and from the government, the largest threat to take your life are the police. At the very least, you'd think people would be concerned when the police kill their fellow citizens and very interested in seeing those killings investigated thoroughly and independently because the police representing the state have a lot of power to kill people, but instead because the victim is black, there is this belief that actually state/police violence is good because it targets/controls/hurts black Americans. It is just a warped world view.


Well-Known Member
The defense has a duty to represent their client. If they have to tell the truth about Floyd's actions and history, then that's what they have to do. It's not like Chauvin had much hope of a fair trial to begin with. But you seem to think there's a possibility he won't be convicted, otherwise it wouldn't matter what the defense did or said.
Trial by jury. All the defense needs is 1 of those jurors.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Snope's long presentation of the history and circumstances of George Floyd's criminal history.
It seemed like Snopes is trying to present George Floyd in the most favorable way.
I must admit I gave up after the first screen ... just not that interested.


Netsua 3:16

Not guilty or mistrial w/ no retrial. Calling it now.
They’re gonna get into Floyd’s past, dig up ALL the dirt, which will influence the jury. Will be interesting. I think they slap him on the wrist with something, the manslaughter charge might be hard to get out of


Retired 23 years
The Floyd family lawyer has warned the family ( who will have a member sitting in the court room everyday ) that they will have to listen to multiple character assassinations made against the deceased repeatedly.
It won't bother them a bit. They know what a POS their son / brother was. They dealt with that skum-bag for years.

El Correcto

god is dead
More black individuals need to speak out on the wrongs men like George Floyd have done to them, just like the Jacob Blake’s victim family did.

El Correcto

god is dead
At least your addict brother is white. Chauvin would have patted him on the back and while holding his hand, telling him everything is going to be ok.
Criminals usually target people of the same race, victims of opportunity. Black people should be thankful when black criminals are killed or arrested. If George Floyd was an innocent man, with no fentanyl in his system, his lungs not 3x their normal weight and just going about his day before being choked to death by a cop, I’d be on your side. But that’s not the case and never is with these guys.

Officer Chauvin isn’t only innocent of murder, he is owed a debt of gratitude for making the streets a bit safer for the community George Floyd belonged to.


Well-Known Member
Criminals usually target people of the same race, victims of opportunity. Black people should be thankful when black criminals are killed or arrested. If George Floyd was an innocent man, with no fentanyl in his system, his lungs not 3x their normal weight and just going about his day before being choked to death by a cop, I’d be on your side. But that’s not the case and never is with these guys.

Officer Chauvin isn’t only innocent of murder, he is owed a debt of gratitude for making the streets a bit safer for the community George Floyd belonged to.
So you're good with taking your bother out as well then. Good......

El Correcto

god is dead
So you're good with taking your bother out as well then. Good......
I was good when my friend got his door kicked in, his dog shot and his family thrown in jail. They were gang banging criminals. I was good when the cops took me to jail for being drunk at the scene of an accident. I was good when my brother was arrested with a needle in his arm in a Walmart parking lot while my grandfather was dying in the hospital.

Yeah dude, I’m a rational human being. If that was my own brother in the ground calling out for our mother while all the bad decisions and second chances he had flashed before his eyes, I’d be good with that still. I’d be sad, but I’d still be rational.

El Correcto

god is dead
White criminals usually don’t take the police business personally. Black criminals do, because societies allow them to.

None of my friends have ever blamed police or racism for their rap sheet, because society doesn’t offer them that excuse.