Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You can’t blame blacks specifically for being black. That’s racist.
Sorry man. It is what it is. I know you don’t want to hear it. But you have to be sensitive to racism in order to achieve the change we need. It’s really not difficult to understand.
Not talking skin color. I’m talking about elevating yourself to become responsible contributors to America.

Whites have accomplished that. Time for others to do the same.

Netsua 3:16

A picture is worth a thousand words ... sometimes.
The graphic is not even incorrect. It’s just unproductive.
What we have here, based on weeks of prodding and gathering evidence, is a bunch of old white guys who are annoyed that they are being called racist for defending Chauvin, the most recent stupid scared cop, etc
So they feel pushed. And they are pushing back.
What scares me, is that, although they are pushing back against blacks being angry
They don’t understand why they are being labeled racist
It’s an extremely scientific study I’m conducting here that’s going to require more research. Stand by


Inordinately Right
Got anymore of those black guy dying memes? Post one. Then I’ll tell you

Netsua 3:16

So you've got nothing.
Got nothing? Bruh 😂
Read back every page. You’ll see your racially dividing banter everywhere.
Y’all echo a giant portion of America right now: you’re not anti racism. You’re anti getting called out for being racist. IE: failure to acknowledge self deficiency.
Ultimately, a thriving commune doesn’t tear itself apart from the inside
I know know. It’s not your fault, so why should you care?

El Correcto

god is dead
Got nothing? Bruh 😂
Read back every page. You’ll see your racially dividing banter everywhere.
Y’all echo a giant portion of America right now: you’re not anti racism. You’re anti getting called out for being racist. IE: failure to acknowledge self deficiency.
Ultimately, a thriving commune doesn’t tear itself apart from the inside
I know know. It’s not your fault, so why should you care?
Jesus, you are still here ranting about what a racist piece of :censored2: you are?
Give it a rest buddy, you got to be up early to load our trucks. Try not to hurt any of your black co workers you piece of :censored2:.


I'm a star
I, for one, am sooooo glad that @Netsua 3:16 has come along to show all of us privileged white men the errors of our advantaged ways. I'm sure all the poc out there are just ecstatic to know that @Netsua 3:16, aka mighty whitey, patronizing saint of all beleaguered black and brown folk everywhere, is here to save them, which is something @Netsua 3:16 knows they can't do for themselves. He will set the example for advantaged white folk everywhere by falling on his sword to eliminate all inequities everywhere.

Lol. Where do people like @Netsua 3:16, get this self-flagelating nonsense? Seriously. How unhinged can you be and still be so willing to display your twisted sense of piety for everyone to witness? Takes a lot of guts to be so proud of being that crazy.

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