The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You hold it against them because the are conservatives, but we both know you didn't hold it against Bill Clinton when you voted for him twice.

That makes you an uber-hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
You are what you do and say.

That would make you a commie/liberal democrat.

You can call yourself a moderate, but that doesn't change the reality of what you really are.
Yes sure? I posted about American corporations doing tax inversions.

So I am a liberal? A Commie? You are just dumb. You don't even know what a moderate is?


Well-Known Member
Did your mommy and daddy not come down to your basement dwelling and remind you to take your Concerta? I specifically said that people are focusing on the wrong issues and that spending, not taxation, is the main problem. I don't care what else you have to say about it. That is the whole point. That your points are irrelevant. I even said that corporations should pay. Did you not read that? Where you so busy foaming at the mouth out of rage that you missed it? I'm telling you, not as a representative of any political ideology, that simple math and logic would dictate that no matter how many taxes our bloated government collects they still won't cover their debt. Unless, of course, we tax every individual, small, business, and big corporation at 100%. Yeah good luck with that.

You, are not a moderate. So stop insulting everyone (including yourself) with that nonsense. You claim to be one because you want to avoid any affiliation because you think it is the safe and hipster thing to do. It is quite pathetic as your true colors show right through. A true moderate would recognize our government's out of control spending as the more dangerous element over unpaid corporate taxes. Give us all a break and go learn something before you come back and embarrass yourself anymore.

Hey are you ok? Just checking up on you now. You sounded like you were having a nervous breakdown earlier?

I only posted about 1 topic(Corporate tax evasion). And you came along and wanted to save America in this thread and talk about government spending and everything Tea party?


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hey are you ok? Just checking up on you now. You sounded like you were having a nervous breakdown earlier?

I only posted about 1 topic(Corporate tax evasion). And you came along and wanted to save America in this thread and talk about government spending and everything Tea party?

I don't care what your agenda is. Mine is to tell you that what you are obsessively peddling is irrelevant to the bigger problem. But hey.... you can Google silly political videos and Memes so all is well over there on the "moderate" front.

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Well-Known Member
I don't care what your agenda is. Mine is to tell you that what you are obsessively peddling is irrelevant to the bigger problem. But hey.... you can Google silly political videos and Memes so all is well over there on the "moderate" front.

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I don't have an agenda. The fox news stuff is just for fun obviously. Fox news is a easy target for humor.

I agree about the government overspending but I don't think a solution is hopeless.

Things are now peaceful on the moderate front. Thats funny. :peaceful:


Well-Known Member

Wasn't hobby Lobby about the Abortion pill?

Everybody wants less taxes? I thought the Tea party also hates Mexicans and kids from Central America?

Everybody supports traditional marriage? I hear Suze Orman loves Chic Filet. So does Richard Simmons.

The whole Hamas thing is kind of complicated ? Probably shouldn't be on this graphic. Considering how many people are dying and suffering over there its not cool to joke about it? Seriously.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Wasn't hobby Lobby about the Abortion pill?

Everybody wants less taxes? I thought the Tea party also hates Mexicans and kids from Central America?

Everybody supports traditional marriage? I hear Suze Orman loves Chic Filet. So does Richard Simmons.

The whole Hamas thing is kind of complicated ? Probably shouldn't be on this graphic. Considering how many people are dying and suffering over there its not cool to joke about it? Seriously.
People on drugs should not post.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
They're also all racist a-holes.
Racist is the code word leftist dems use to describe white consevatives.
You want strong border security---racist.
You want to curb welfare spending---racist.
You call out the first black president for being a total POS---racist.


Racist is the code word leftist dems use to describe white consevatives.
You want strong border security---racist.
You want to curb welfare spending---racist.
You call out the first black president for being a total POS---racist.
Yep. All that's missing from those clowns is a white pointed hood.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
liberal ,conservative,democrat,republican,every single person has thier opinions on the way things should be.I realize this thread was in jest,but I can't help but wonder what the usa would be like if voting was mandatory.
Thank god it's not.

The stupid, the lazy and the uninformed should not vote.


Well-Known Member
ABC’s Karl: Will ‘Hypocritical’ Obama Ask Dems To Return Donations From ‘Unpatriotic’ Companies Moving Overseas?

Both Republicans and Democrats and moderates all agree that American Corporations need to pay their fair share of taxes.

The real trick will be getting tax reform done since the Democrats and Republicans can't seem to accomplish anything together.

I agree with Fox news that shareholder is VERY IMPORTANT because I am a shareholder of hundreds of companies.
But I also live in a country that has a trillion dollar military,etc and lets all just admit that taxes are just necessary for any country to survive.

Its ridiculous that trillions of dollars in profits are sitting offshore in foreign bank accounts all in the name of shareholder value?