The difference between Conservatives and Liberals

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
The invasion is completed .

Volunteers for Arizona’s Democratic nominee for governor and sitting congressman flew a Mexican flag — and only a Mexican flag — on their parade float over the weekend.

Sonoran Alliance tweeted an image of the float Saturday, which features banners in support of Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and Democratic candidate for governor Fred DuVall, and a Mexican flag.
The invasion is completed .

Volunteers for Arizona’s Democratic nominee for governor and sitting congressman flew a Mexican flag — and only a Mexican flag — on their parade float over the weekend.

Sonoran Alliance tweeted an image of the float Saturday, which features banners in support of Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick and Democratic candidate for governor Fred DuVall, and a Mexican flag.
Thats a pile of crap! ...not you,them.
In all fairness, it should be noted that you can't fly a German Nazi flag, but a Canadian flag (our other border neighbor) is perfectly fine.

False outrage?
Im sick of ,press 1 for Spanish 2) for English. You can burn the american flag. Refuse to say the pledfe of allegiance.

you cant put up a xmas tree or the 10 commandments,in cith hall.

Put we have to kiss ass,to people who dont even belong here.

Merry Christmas to you


Well-Known Troll
Im sick of ,press 1 for Spanish 2) for English. You can burn the american flag. Refuse to say the pledfe of allegiance.

you cant put up a xmas tree or the 10 commandments,in cith hall.

Put we have to kiss ass,to people who dont even belong here.

Merry Christmas to you
This points out the fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives are angry and full of hate. Liberals are the opposite.


Strength through joy
In all fairness, it should be noted that you can't fly a German Nazi flag, but a Canadian flag (our other border neighbor) is perfectly fine.

False outrage?
But the photo of the parade float only had the flag for Mexico for someone running for a US elected office . There should have been two flags , with the US flag flying higher .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dont force people to show their photo ID , for election! but make sure they show three forms of it,to get a library card!

give me a break.

can we understand a simple concept, rather than demonstrating our ignorance on a subject??

IN order to vote, you have to REGISTER, in order to REGISTER, you have to have ID. Proof that you are eligible to VOTE.

Once this is accomplished and the proof supplied, a person can VOTE in their state without having to prove ANYTHING.

Once they are verified in the system as eligible, they go onto voting rolls. Once on the rolls, they DO NOT have to prove to anyone, anything else.

This notion, that a person has to show an ID to vote is so stupid, it isnt even laughable.

If they are on the voting rolls, they can vote.

Somehow, "you people" buy into the idea that a person has to requalify to vote directly at the voting booth in order to vote.

Thats ridiculous.

Thats what the REGISTRATION process is used for.

gulible people...
