The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Strength through joy
It has already been documented that some people voted multiply times for the same person during the last election , thru the use of absentee ballots and multiplied enrollments .
But I never heard that their votes were removed afterwards .


It has already been documented that some people voted multiply times for the same person during the last election , thru the use of absentee ballots and multiplied enrollments .
But I never heard that their votes were removed afterwards .
First, the court cited the idea that ID laws could enhance public confidence--that is, in theory, the laws might make us feel better about elections in that they might provide some security theater. It turns out, though, that this effect is hard to spot. People in states with more restrictive ID laws don’t generally feel better about their elections than people in more permissive states. People who think elections are being stolen, and people who think they’re not, each hold on to that opinion no matter what the governing ID rules in their area. The factor that really influences whether people think the elections are fair? Whether their preferred candidates win.

I’ve been tracking allegations of fraud for years now, including the fraud ID laws are designed to stop. In 2008, when the Supreme Court weighed in on voter ID, I looked at every single allegation put before the Court. And since then, I’ve been following reports wherever they crop up.

To be clear, I’m not just talking about prosecutions. I track any specific, credible allegation that someone may have pretended to be someone else at the polls, in any way that an ID law could fix.

So far, I’ve found about 31 different incidents (some of which involve multiple ballots) since 2000, anywhere in the country. If you want to check my work, you can read a comprehensive list of the incidents below.

To put this in perspective, the 31 incidents below come in the context of general, primary, special, and municipal elections from 2000 through 2014. In general and primary elections alone, more than 1 billion ballots were cast in that period.


Well-Known Member
Notice these days after any given election, the losing side always claims the other somehow manipulated the vote? Hmmmmm.

Vote letter D, none of the above.

Really is not much difference,anymore.

Sad,but true.



Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that some states do not require an ID to vote. That leads to rampant fraud, and a tainted election.

As for absentee ballots, there has got to be a way for those to be better handled, like TOS said, there is probably a lot of abuse in that. Military votes are easily verified, shut-ins not so much, but could be done. If identity was required, there would be less absentee ballots cast.

The system is flawed, and needs to be retooled for todays technology.


nowhere special
Liberals never try to claim there isn't any fraud. Just not "that much" fraud. Why would they want any fraud when it can be reduced by simple simple like voter ID?


I find it hilarious that the party that wants no regulations placed on their second amendment, is the same party who wants more regulations placed on voting rights. Next thing you'll want is to open carry at the polls.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I find it hilarious that the party that wants no regulations placed on their second amendment, is the same party who wants more regulations placed on voting rights. Next thing you'll want is to open carry at the polls.
CONservatives loathe regulating what corporations can do. But they sure as hell think people cannot be regulated enough: regulating what we do with our bodies, whom we can marry, what evidence we have to present to vote, etc.
CONservatives always try to CON people into believing that corporations will "self regulate"…which is like removing all traffic signs and regulations and expect drivers will "self regulate".

The worst is: middle class conservatives actually eat this joyously, hook, line and sinker!!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Fact....Romney lost.
Fact....Obama won by a landslide.
Fact....You nor anyone else can prove how many if any votes were fraudulent.
Fact....Republicans will use any excuse they can as to why they lost two presidential elections in a row.
Who complained more?
Dems in 2000 and 2004?
Reps in 2008 and 2012?



Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that some states do not require an ID to vote. That leads to rampant fraud, and a tainted election.

I have voted in two different states (NY and MA) and have never had to show an ID to do so.

My son and I share the same first name and I know that I could have voted twice had I chosen to.


Strength through joy
Radio shows .
Conservatives will change the channel .
They will not listen to some programs.
They respect everyone's right to say what they want .
Liberals .. will demand that the program be removed from the air waves . They do not respect others point of views , anything against their point of view must be destroyed .


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Radio shows .
Conservatives will change the channel .
They will not listen to some programs.
They respect everyone's right to say what they want .
Liberals .. will demand that the program be removed from the air waves . They do not respect others point of views , anything against their point of view must be destroyed .
Some people live a factless life and cannot handle anyone that lives in truth. They believe that if they tell a lie enough times it becomes a truth.Poor right wingnuts,It must really suck to be wrong all the time.