The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Uh, "The Curious Republic of Gondor" was a story by Mark Twain where he described a fictional country where the vote was awarded depending on a person's education, and also on their monetary worth. Twain was clearly pointing out that the difference between the two kinds of votes were that the ones based on knowledge and education were 'immortal' and those based on money in pocket were 'mortal', since risky behavior could result in the loss of money. The story was utopian, in the sense that Twain indicated that education and knowledge were more highly valued than mere money.

My cynicism is that we have a perverted version of that republic, in that monied special interests control our political process, not the individual voter.

It's available in Project Guttenberg if you'd like to read it.
Thank our supreme court for furthering that cause,"corporations are people". We were warned of this mentality by many of our founding fathers. When corporations infiltrate or government, the will of the people becomes secondary at best. Less than 250 years has passed and even the legislative branch of our government has been bought and paid for. It looks bleak for the regular citizen. The money that large corporations are allowed to pump into politics is now unlimited. If the average person is the U.S. wants a future for his children and grandchildren, he or she must educate themselves in the issues that effect them directly. That education can not come from partisan media outlets alone. They are fueled by greed and backed by the large corporations that see the labor force as a threat to profits instead of the valuable partners in business that there employees really are.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Do I know you? Did you post under another name in the past? You seem so familiar, and it is a common trait among the leftists liberal Democrats on here to come in scorched earth policy, then come back with a different name like you are a common sense, average guy just giving his opinions.

Is that what you are doing?
Your a joke. Nothing you say has any validity.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Never said I was a Republican in any post. Because I am a registered Independent, as I have stated many times.

But for some reasons, all you leftists try to paint me as a Republican. Funny crap, really.
The Brown One is a strong supporter of the Republican Platform which reads, in brief:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections

Oh . . . ummm . . . wait. Those are the fourteen points of of THE BROWN ONE. Hmmm. How come they're also the Republican agenda . . . never mind.


Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like Sarah Palin.A deeply ignorant, grasping, avaricious demagogue with all the wit and intellectual curiosity of a Brownshirt functionary...It looks good on him, though.

Wow, yous sure does sound intelygenc wit all dem fancy werds, but ignorant? That means so much coming from someone like you; a person who just can't stand that someone else has an opinion that differs from theirs. Unbelievable


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Wow, yous sure does sound intelygenc wit all dem fancy werds, but ignorant? That means so much coming from someone like you; a person who just can't stand that someone else has an opinion that differs from theirs. Unbelievable

The President is an American citizen..So out of touch with reality,Upsgrunt and the rest of the "Birthers"