The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I believe the bible should be taught in our schools instead of science.
I believe our government should put corporations first and people second.
I believe others should pay taxes but not me.
I believe Jesus believes in 50 round clips and concealed carried.
I believe those who don't think like me should not have a voice in society.
I believe "The majority rules" doesn't apply if I don't agree with the majority.
I believe healthcare should be only for those who can afford it.
I believe if I've got mine, then that's all that matters. Right lucky,browny!!!
I believe I have the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body.
I believe I have the right to know what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom.
I believe my beliefs should be everyone's beliefs.
I believe in the death penalty but I also believe "Thou shalt not kill".
I believe liberals are evil because they're open minded, educated and know facts.
I believe everything Fox News tells me because I don't believe in facts.
I believe it's OK for our Government to torture prisoners if a republican is President.
I believe it's ok for our Government to spy on it's citizens if a republican is President.
I believe I'm a super patriot even though I never served in the armed forces.
I don't believe in a minimum wage.
I don't believe in work place OSHA safety regulations.
I don't believe the Government should help people unless it's me that needs the help.

Did Rachel Maddow tell you this?


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Better than running to Canada or hiding in college like so many liberals.
How is that better, whether it's rich, politically connected daddy G.H. pulling strings to keep his young flyboy son G.W. stateside while hundreds of thousand of men and women die in a foreign conflict. Or if it's a young college kid running north on his own accord, in your mind it must be more excusable because he's republican. Typical. Keep typing, your just showing your rear end.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Anything to defeat the liberal Democrats.
You said it, you'll lie all day just to to further your cause because your a brainwashed republican pawn. Keep spreading the lies. Your like minded friends will keep applauding because there to lazy to research your false dribble that flows from your mouth.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You said it, you'll lie all day just to to further your cause because your a brainwashed republican pawn. Keep spreading the lies. Your like minded friends will keep applauding because there to lazy to research your false dribble that flows from your mouth.
I came up with that myself. You see I believe that I know what's best for me and my family.

Democrats think that they know what's best for me and my family.

So I stand by my post. Anything to defeat liberal Democrats.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You can always vote Republican. If we get both houses and the presidency, we can lower tax levels to an amount that will be acceptable to working people.

Democrats raise taxes on working people to give out as bribes for votes.


Well-Known Member
You can always vote Republican. If we get both houses and the presidency, we can lower tax levels to an amount that will be acceptable to working people.

Democrats raise taxes on working people to give out as bribes for votes.
So, you are a Republican?

That explains what you spout.
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You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
You can always vote Republican. If we get both houses and the presidency, we can lower tax levels to an amount that will be acceptable to working people.

Democrats raise taxes on working people to give out as bribes for votes.[/QUO. Ohhhhhhhh brother!


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
You can always vote Republican. If we get both houses and the presidency, we can lower tax levels to an amount that will be acceptable to working people.

Democrats raise taxes on working people to give out as bribes for votes.
Ohhhhhhh brother!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Ohhhhhhh brother!!
Do I know you? Did you post under another name in the past? You seem so familiar, and it is a common trait among the leftists liberal Democrats on here to come in scorched earth policy, then come back with a different name like you are a common sense, average guy just giving his opinions.

Is that what you are doing?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Don't confuse him with his past posts. Pointing out his past lies might make it difficult for him to figure out his next lie.
Never said I was a Republican in any post. Because I am a registered Independent, as I have stated many times.

But for some reasons, all you leftists try to paint me as a Republican. Funny crap, really.