The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's a vicious cycle that corporate America, Republicans and Democrats perpetuate. There's plenty of blame to go around.
No there is not. The blame land solely on the Democrats. Republicans try to end or put a limit on these programs and the Democrats cry evil.
The Democrats are why we have generations of families on welfare, food stamps and public housing assistance.


Well-Known Member
The liberals would just end up in a cage with gasoline on the ground and a video camera in front of them.
In your sick dreams.

In reality we are the people who won both World Wars, and hope for a better tomorrow (no wars).

You and your Apocalyptic buddies can battle it out in a desert... I don't care.

No one wins in a war, except the those who sell the weapons.

(but I bet I'm better positioned than you)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
In your sick dreams.

In reality we are the people who won both World Wars, and hope for a better tomorrow (no wars).

You and your Apocalyptic buddies can battle it out in a desert... I don't care.

No one wins in a war, except the those who sell the weapons.

(but I bet I'm better positioned than you)
The liberals only order other people to go fight the wars. Most liberals just get a deferment or go to Canada to avoid any actual combat.


Well-Known Member
Some fail to see the dichotomy between corporate welfare and social welfare. In some people's mind one is good and one is bad. Those people are biased, or just plain evil.


Bad Moon Risen'
The liberals only order other people to go fight the wars. Most liberals just get a deferment or go to Canada to avoid any actual combat.
Bush and Cheney both got deferements to avoid going to war. Then they decide its ok to send others to die in a needless Iraqi War. Class acts.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Some fail to see the dichotomy between corporate welfare and social welfare. In some people's mind one is good and one is bad. Those people are biased, or just plain evil.
I see it. It should all end. We were discussing ending social welfare programs. Which I would like to do first. Then we will move on to the corporations and farmers.


Man of Great Wisdom
No there is not. The blame land solely on the Democrats. Republicans try to end or put a limit on these programs and the Democrats cry evil.
The Democrats are why we have generations of families on welfare, food stamps and public housing assistance.
Nothing a living wage wouldn't solve. Why pay workers when you can use 989 million in the next election cycle.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Nothing a living wage wouldn't solve. Why pay workers when you can use 989 million in the next election cycle.
You do know that the worker has choices where to work and could improve their own skills to earn more money. They could even try to find a union job with higher pay and benefits.
That being said, I do believe in a higher minimum wage with cola added in.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I believe the bible should be taught in our schools instead of science.
I believe our government should put corporations first and people second.
I believe others should pay taxes but not me.
I believe Jesus believes in 50 round clips and concealed carried.
I believe those who don't think like me should not have a voice in society.
I believe "The majority rules" doesn't apply if I don't agree with the majority.
I believe healthcare should be only for those who can afford it.
I believe if I've got mine, then that's all that matters. Right lucky,browny!!!
I believe I have the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body.
I believe I have the right to know what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom.
I believe my beliefs should be everyone's beliefs.
I believe in the death penalty but I also believe "Thou shalt not kill".
I believe liberals are evil because they're open minded, educated and know facts.
I believe everything Fox News tells me because I don't believe in facts.
I believe it's OK for our Government to torture prisoners if a republican is President.
I believe it's ok for our Government to spy on it's citizens if a republican is President.
I believe I'm a super patriot even though I never served in the armed forces.
I don't believe in a minimum wage.
I don't believe in work place OSHA safety regulations.
I don't believe the Government should help people unless it's me that needs the help.



nowhere special